
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:08:39
谁能提供一份2004年9月的英语PETS1(一级)的答案给我,我写了内容这个是部分内容,给个全部答案第一节、单项填空 (共30分)阅读下面的句子和对话,从[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项中选出一个能填人空 想学公英,以前学过一点点英语可不可以跳过PETS1呢?还是都要学啊? 2012年英语PETS1什么时候可以查成绩 Would you please say it o____again?I didn't hear you just now.空白处应该填写什么单词? i didn`t hear your answer just now .please say it ____ 1.too 2.either 3.again 4.down Please say a_____.I didn't understand you just now 英语翻译 6级英语学哪些书(单词、词组、语法类)?如何才能知道放在面前的书是否是6级英语 英语三级B要掌握那些语法,还有那些完形填空啊,阅读啊我看了就头疼!我一进考了两次了都没过,所以我想问问有什么好方法? Hearing the bad newsA tear filled her eyes B she bursted into tears C she burst out crying D her eyes filled with tears 这个啊 哪个是对的啊 为什么? 我是东莞市大一学生,这星期天就要考B级英语,B级有哪些常见词汇和词组,还有语法知识.最好能提供一些接近试题的题目,我词汇量少,语法不行,我想这几天好好复习. 英语不学句型直接学语法能过AB级吗 take me to you heart的中文意思 I've got a bad cough.改为一般疑问句 State the obviousI didn't get my perfect fantasyI realized you love yourselfMore that you could ever love meSo go and tell your friendsThat I'm obsessive and crazyThat's fine,I'll tell mineYou're gay and by the wayI hate that stupid old pickup truckY 英语翻译though perhaps not easy to apply在句子中作什么成分?willpower exercise.是同位语吗?什么的同位语? 英语翻译The first and most obvious response to a crash is to restart the computer.If your machine manages to reboot successfully,that's a positive sign.However,the crash may have left behind errors with the PC's registry.那么 left 和 left behi I will take care of you from my heart.请问这话的具体意思是什么? How long dosei take for recove from heart hare 如题, 考研数学题计算总出错怎么办 考研做数学题总是出低级错误是为什么阿? 考研数学题总算错,好的心里好烦.快考试了,复习了一年多,可是现在被数学计算折磨的心里好难过,做题目要么分心控制不住去想事,要么就是神不知鬼不觉哪里算错或者没注意到.我快逼疯了, that’s right中文是什么意思麻烦你们了.我是新人 It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious.是谁说的? It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obviousWHO CAN HELP ME? It takes()very unusual mind to undertake ()analysis of() obvious 为什么填a;the;the It takes a very unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious.谁说 It takes a vrey unusual mind to undertake analysis of the obvious 翻译 I felt a deep _____(sad) after I heard the bad news.填单词的适当形式 为什么电脑上显示out of memory at line 20 Technical support engineer翻译中文? technical department 和 technical section又是怎么翻译,那个部门什么关系