
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:48:33
我想当科学家是因为科学家会用自己的只会发明很多科技产品为人类创造( ) 6.已知2SO2(g)+O2(g)2SO3(g) △H=—197kJ·mol—1 .向同温、同体积的三个密闭容器中分别充入 气体:(甲)2mol SO2和1mol O2;(乙)1mol SO2和0.5mol O2;(丙) 2mol SO3.恒温、恒容下反应达平衡时,下列关系一定正 I___pleased when I heard about your results-congratulations!A.couldn't be moreB.couldn't have been more为什么是B, 反应2SO2(g)+O2(g)==2SO3(g),一定条件下,向一带活塞的密闭容器中充入2mol SO2和1mol O2.达到平衡后改变下述条件,则恒温恒容条件下充入1mol SO3(g)和恒温恒压条件下充入1mol SO3(g).SO3平衡浓度分别怎样变 化学平衡移动, broken down 的同义词是什么 There was a heavy snow.改为同义句It ___ ____. there is a heavy snow today另一种说法用it开头 英语作文 In my village(五句话) 能给我一个简单的my village的作文 竹(两个四字词语或成语形容)松(两个四字词语或成语形容) 英语翻译请各位帮忙翻译下面这句话:清真寺是一个圣洁的地方,这里幽静而清闲,有着古老的建筑.清真寺里盛开着许多月季花,还经常有几只可爱的猫嬉戏.这里有食堂和礼拜堂,食堂有美味的 英语翻译dear sir/madam:您好!想了解FliteMate/QuietEar/SilentEar耳塞产品,这三款产品各有什么区别和主要功能,我这里是中国的朋友,想进些耳塞产品在中国销售,FliteMate产品我有朋友在使用,感觉还不错 Were there any call for me ( ) I was out.A: while B: as C: because D:before This was the furthest point they reached in their discussion等同于They reached the furthest point in their discussion1.2楼你们说的我听不懂 It broke down so the man couldn't have caught it这里的couldn't have caught 是虚拟语气吗? 求英语作文,My Village 我的家乡 50词我的家乡是温州,谁答的好有高分. There are many clubs in our school i_________ the sports club and the chess I'm a _________ of our school football club填个适当的词 DID YOU SEE ____SCIENCE TEATHER MR ZHAO YES,I SAW____IN THE ART CLUB A;HIM OUR B;OUR;HIM C;OUR HERD;HER OUR This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.A.that B.which C.from that D.from which我觉得选B 如题 为什么 theoriental pearl TV tower has attracted visitors since 1995tens of thousands of 中的tens of 是什么意思,为什么要加在thousands of 的前面 is this arcitale _____you wrote for the magazine A:that B:this C:/ D:all The two boys talked l_____in the reading room IN the room < > four girls填什么?is 还是are? our village is in a valley,between two hills,there are trees all over the hills.A river flowsright through the villge.this is the quierest place we know.,y wife and I take a walk along thebanks of the river on monday,Friday,and saturday.······ (1/2)高二英语作文!作文开头是Ladies And gentlemen 还有一句就是Welcome to Our Village 降落伞在下降过程中最后处于匀速状态,那它就可能是在空中飘浮,不改变任何变量的情况下,它是怎么落地的? 下列关于运动和力的说法中正确的是降落伞在空中匀速下降下列关于运动和力的说法中正确的是A.降落伞在空中匀速下降,是由于它所受的重力大于所受到的阻力B.竖直向上抛出的排球,离开 They're all small apples.Where are the big___(one)? draw a circle and then _____ one to ______(填横线上的)拜托!急用! come to here and draw a circle.找出错误