
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:26:27
地板用酒精棉擦了下变白了怎么办地板上有块水迹,正好手上拿着酒精棉球擦东西的,就顺手用酒精棉球擦了下地板上一块.结果后来发现,那块被擦得地放犯白渍.用毛巾浸水盖了一段时间还是 MP4这个文件夹sys是什么意思? If you loved me ,you must tell me If you loved me ,you must tell me climate-damaging什么意思? 非洲黑人被欧洲殖民者贩卖到美洲,这种人口迁移属于?1永久迁移 2自发迁移 3集体迁移 4被迫迁移 5自愿迁移 6有组织迁移 A123 B234 C345 D146 稀释酒精有酒精含量为百分之36的酒精溶液若干 ,加了一定数量的水后稀释成酒精含量为百分之30的溶液,如果在稀释成百分之24,那么还需加水的数量是上次加水的多少倍 capacity of cubic paper box is 1L.what are its length,width and height in cm?回答:length,width and height of that cubic paper box are_________ 英语翻译EmployeeWell...for course books,the deadline is 4 weeks after the beginning of the semester.So for this fall semester,the deadline was October 1st.StudentOuch,then I missed it.But ,why October 1st?EmployeeWell,I guess the reasoning is tha it's time to____the children from school.用bring 还是 take 还是fetch 为什么? 1、The gifts he brought from Britain ________ last week.A.sent out B.were sent out C.hav一、单选题 1、The gifts he brought from Britain ________ last week.A.sent out B.were sent out C.have sent out 2、Look!That’s the teacher ________ is loo 《芙蓉楼送辛渐》句意 芙蓉楼送辛渐的句意 《芙蓉楼送辛渐》的名句是什么 H2S溶于乙醇后是以什么形态存在的? 乙醇钠怎么反应能生成乙醇 如何将乙醇钠转变成乙醇 说明原因,不会请不要瞎答,His friends insisted tha说明原因,不会请不要瞎答,His friends insisted that Tony ____ nothing todo with drugs and they insisted that he ____ free immediately.A had:be set B had;was set D have;be set D I do not like him,but he was too good to me,how can I do? Be sure not to ____ anyone ____ in your invitation.A .leave…asideB .leave…aloneC .leave…offD .leave…out 酒精融与水的溶液后,溶液中存在的粒子有什么? “北宋政治家”用国际音标表怎样标读音是现代汉语的作业 Rather than to stick together suffering in a drying brooklet,it is much bet 求完整、分类精细的国际音标表, 一篇文献给了说一个基因分为2个片段扩增?然后就给了5’端外部2个引物和内部两个引物和3’端外部2个引物和内部两个引物?到底啥意思! We took the tram to the park.划took the tram.划线提问 印第安人和欧洲人的冲突 ,用几句话概括,不要太长! 谢谢! 急! 五分之三公民指黑人和印第安人,那为何会不承认印第安人的正式公民身份呢 the____ wait there is waiting for your order 空格处 应填什么 Four policemen were sent there to keep the _____ crowd in order.A.waited B.waiting C.to waitD.being waited How do you feel if you get 100?的意思 英语翻译2、You are quicker after napping.3、In that way ,you can fully relax during your nap4、You won't have to keep looking at the clock and you don't oversleep