
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 19:51:51
我需要的中文翻译.在下面的补充问题里.急!黄儿,孝子也.其父年老,侍奉甚勤.朝起,为父取衣履.夜眠,为父铺被席.当食,为父设杯箸.父命入学,又能勤读.故人皆称之. 孝子 聊斋志异 卷五 翻译 选择题 法国首都巴黎历史悠久,追溯历史的长河,巴黎曾多次跃入全世界的视野. 9:18英文怎么说 《假孝子》文言文急~~~ 英语翻译 英语作文我最喜欢的食物 what for和why的区别 what for =why吗? what for 和 why 在意义上有什么区别?两者的用法我知道,我想问的是在意义上. 请问for what =why 有什么区别,分别在什么情况用 我现在在上初中,老师叫我们买牛津英汉词典,我该买哪一阶的? 牛津高阶与中阶英汉词典相差一些什么单词 英语翻译 英语翻译Newbery notwithstanding,Americans still looked on children's books as vehicles for instruction,not amusement,though they would accept a moderate amount of fictional entertainment for the sake of more successful instruction. spending time with my friend spending time with friends意思是什么 spending time with her friends 英语翻译Any failure or delay in the performance by either party hereto of its obligations under this Agreement shall not constitutea breach hereof or give rise to any claims for damages if and tothe extent that it is caused by occurrences beyond 英语翻译我是说没有免费的吗? 英语翻译一般一小时收费多少合理 “不客气”用英语怎么说?麻烦用汉语标一下读法? 英语翻译以前用有道的取词特别好,不但速度快而且很方便.但现在为什么取词总是会取错了,比如把单词认错或者认一部分?好奇怪啊另外,我没有换系统,一直都是vista的 英语翻译In 1946,after World War 2,TV began to burst the American scene with a speed unforeseen even by the most optimistic of the industry. 初中英语作文 getting on well with friends 要包括以下几点:1do you have good friends?2do you sometimes have problems with them?3how do you deal with the problems? 有道翻译准不准? -__ __ your sister __ __ with your friends?-My is getting on well with my friends.根据答语完成问句 my friends get on well with classmater?对well提问how —— myfriends get on with classmater。 If you are getting on well with your family and friends,perhaps you___________a good student.A.are B.will be C.were D.would be答案为什么是B,不可以是D吗? The teacher and friend with whom we are getting on well is an honest young man.翻译 Look!A girl is ___(swim)in the river. Look!There is a boat in the c_____ of the river.