
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 10:54:04
Nothing is there more friendly to a man than a friend in need 怎么翻译好 二、选一选.1.用一根52 cm长的铁丝,正好可以焊成一个长为6 cm,宽为4 cm,高为( )cm的长方体框架.二、选一选.1.用一根52 cm长的铁丝,正好可以焊成一个长为6 cm,宽为4 cm,高为( )cm的长方体框 求一个读音和雪华相近的英文名. 帮忙起个与“雪慧”读音相近的英文名字,有什么好的?中文名字是“雪慧”,想起个发音与此相似或者接近的英文名字,有什么合适的英文名吗?当然,是个女孩的.希望英文较好的,或者对英语文 英文好的,谁能帮我想一个英文名 雪萍,类似他的发音 名字是东雪,请帮我取一个和我名字读音相近的英文名,我是女生, 准确的:HOW MUCH DO YOU LOVE ME I LOVE YOU MORE THAN I CAN SAY! there's no word for me to say there's no word for need to say to give a sigh, to be more brave翻译求翻译 不要官话...知道第一句是 无话可说了.. I realize that there is much more to life than money.这句话要怎么翻译啊? 用一根12分米长的铁丝,焊接成一个最大的正方形的框架,这个正方体的棱长是 ( )分用一根12分米长的铁丝,焊接成一个最大的正方形的框架,这个正方体的棱长是 ( )分米,给这个框架糊上白 想起个英文名字 发音和中文“姜雪平”或“雪平”发音相似的 我的中文名叫白雪,想起个英文名, There's much more to us than meets the eye翻译成中文 文艺点的 There is much more to modern Munich than beer gardens中的语法 重点讲 to 我是天蝎座的女生,想求个双音节的感觉比较干练的英文名,想要个双音节的感觉比较干练的英文名,如果好的话 姓李,女生,帮忙取个单音节或双音节英文名叫起来顺口并且响亮不俗 英语翻译俄罗斯海参崴国力经济与服务大学 英语翻译这个句子是—— The first lesson is about English history true kindness is more than just a warm feeling for another person的翻译 backpacking is much more than a holiday翻译 Many people died of_____(hungry)during the war. 任务型阅读In Europe many people died. 射手座男生英文名我叫巫鸿林 帮我取个好听的英文名 适合射手座男孩的英文名我是射手座的,想要一个帅点的英文名,我叫杨加里面要有我的名字 射手座的男生英文名我叫潘皓东,射手座,男,90后,要一个酷炫,好听一点的英文名(最好是V,S,J,K开头的),最好有中文和音标,我会替高悬赏的~ 英语翻译1.肝功能的检测主要包含4各方面:肝细胞本身的损害;胆红素代谢和胆道功能;蛋白的合成功能;肝脏的免疫功能.本次没有发现明显的异常,各检测值处于良好的数值区间;请保持 英语翻译Medium Tote Style 564M shoulder strap drop should be 10 inches not 11 inchesStuds on Medium Tote 564M are tine - they need to bold,better quality and make a statementNeeds to be a zipper pocket on outside back panel on medium tote style 5 The readers said they are gong to eat more vegetables这句话中为什么要用be going to 的句式呢?为什么不是 过去将来时呢? 英语翻译1.Imagine reading that your husband or brother who has been held in a prison for years is finally going to be released.You make the long journey to the prison and stand outside the prison gates,waiting desperately for the moment you'll be Eat more fruits and vegetables to keep_(健康) 英语翻译这是我自己写的一段,我想和老外说说我昨天发生的事情 但是我自己很多东西表达不出来昨天下班后,我在一家餐厅吃好饭,到我住的小区后面的一条河边做了一会,抽了根烟,烟到一半, It's important ( )( )to eat more vegetables and fruit.应该填什么单词?它跟I believeit's important to eat more vegetables and fruit.是同义句