
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:16:49
Which is the ____(strong),the eiephant,the pig or the dog? A.Look,which is ________,the elephant or the pig?B.Of course the elephaA.Look,which is ________,the elephant or the pig?B.Of course the elephant is,It’s much _______ than the pig.And its ears are ______ than the _______,too.A.I________ the elephant 现有一质量为2.4g的镁条,在空气中燃烧,质量最多可以增加多少、要有计算过程 上的下面有个心 的字怎么读 下的 下面 有个心的字呢? 描写山路崎岖不平的句子 有10克氧化铜粉末,用一氧化铜还原,加热一段时间,停止加热后冷却,称得剩余固体为8.4克,求生成二氧化碳多少 在三角形ABC中,BC=根号5,sinC=2sinA,则AB 等于 the noise made me (bore) to death the (lose) of his job made him very sadthe noise made me (bore) to death the (lose) of his job made him very sadthe old men do exercises every day to improve their(fit) The__(story) make us very sad.理由是什么? 云贵高原、四川盆地,地表崎岖,试从内外力作用角度分析其各自成因? 灰尘吸多了会怎么样? 山地和丘陵的共同点 A、地面起伏小 C、地面崎岖不平 B、相对高度大 D、多倍高原环绕 灰尘进入呼吸道 会怎样 下面地区地面崎岖,口客 斯特地貌显著的是 :A华北平原 B 东北平原 C黄土高原 D 云贵高原 在三角形ABC中,BC=√5,AC=3,SinC=2SinA.1)求AB的值.(2)求Sin2A的值. the答案(die) of his pet cat made the boy very sad The ___(die) of the dog made him very sad. His father's_(die)made him very sad. The scientists sudden _____(die) made us very sad. 【英语填空】 The news of his uncle‘s()(die)made him very sad.【英语填空】The news of his uncle‘s()(die)made him very sad.You can hardly()(imagine)how I was excited when I saw him in my house.It is great to watc 高频感应熔炼的特点谢谢啊 为什么众多中外参观者都称秦始皇陵兵马俑和湖北随州出土的战国编钟为世界奇迹? 木棍是弯的,怎么弄的直用来练武的棍子,山上砍来的,木材挺好,只是有点弯 为什么秦始皇陵兵马俑和战国编钟被称为世界奇迹? 木棍在水里为什么会变弯 为什么众多外参观者都称秦始皇兵马俑和战国编钟为世界奇迹? 战国时期编钟出土在哪个省 缓慢的反义词,上升的反义词削减的反义词 哪里有好的中频熔炼炉? 中频熔炼炉多少钱 中频熔炼炉怎么清洗循环水管 果然鹤也 每个字的意思