
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 21:12:33
求古代关于治民、民生方面的书籍和语句之类的.就类似这种的:两川之民,忻乐太平,夜不闭户,路不拾遗.又幸连年大熟,老幼鼓腹讴歌,凡遇差徭,争先早办.因此军需器械应用之物,无不完备;米 提防,火冒三丈的近义词 owned 什么意思?hxowned 是什么意思 谢谢 Ever owned 第三个字和第四个字是近义词,第一个字和第二个字是近义词,第一个字和第三个字是近义词,第二个字跟第四个字是近义词的四字词语,每个写八个, get owned 是什么意思?跟朋友聊MSN的时候经常听到的,是说,“被挫败了”的意思吗? One dollar and eighty-seven cents.That was all.And sixty cents of it was in pennies,pennies that entities是什么意思 请区分下列单词(词组)的含义crazyinsanementally illmentally challenged 想知道在哪里可以随时查到自己想要查到的单词或者短句 并且能帮助读出来 it takes usmorethan 2 hours to do our homework every She is already 50,but she doesn’t look------A.like B.this C.itD.such Although he is over sixty,he_______taking photos.A.looks up B.takes up C.puts up D.turns up 选哪个 your teacher___(look)young though he is sixty years old. 五一征文要800字,内容充实,通俗易懂 I和me的用法是give Tom and I 还是give Tom and me?很困惑啊 关于i 和 me的用法问题这几天在做语法题,对于i 和me的用法很混乱.看到有些句子里是比如,tom and i,有些句子里却是tom and me~究竟什么时候该用me 什么时候该用i ..再比如这道改错题,Spotting kim and me 和 i 的用法between you and i 还是between u and me 好像两个都见过 是不是i时作主语,me时作宾语啊我是做错一道sat题出来的这个疑问 因为记得有把me改称i的题 就选了这个结果错了 去网上查了一下 以其变者而观之,天地曾不能一瞬,以其不变而观之,物与我皆无尽也翻译 如何理解”writing for myself" 写一篇四五分钟的演讲稿. According to the traffic rules,all drivers are ___ to fasten their seat-belts when they are drivingA required B requested C commanded D ordered 这样子翻译对吗? Just for myself choose music. 只是为自己选择音乐. 俄国式结局 什么意思? should smoking be prohibited? discussion should be on the topic of english这句话表达行不,是否地道,再给我一些其它表达方式.discussion must be confined to the topic of english 这种呢讨论不能离开英语这个主题 求《大学英语综合教程课文辅导大全2》的电子书...主要是课文翻译,上海外教社的, 求love the way you lie & i need a doctor 格兰美版的mp3文件,Thank you very much,. 苏联是什么国 I need a English airticle is about a unforgettable thing.Who can help me?Thank you very much!把English前的a改为an,低级错误,打击我..... 英语翻译in spite of These wheelchair players never say "I can't"They always say"I can do it"? although it rained,she liked the trip用in spite of 将两句连成一句