
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 00:17:56
形容心里十分不安 形容年纪很大和心里十分不安是七~~~~~八~~~~~的形式 every通过音标来看 其中的V发音吗? 跪求亲们回答reads newspapers every day的音标 三道数学集合题.1.若集合S=﹛小于10的正整数﹜,A包含于S,B包含于S,且﹙Cs A﹚∩B=﹛1,9﹜,A∩B=﹛2﹜,﹙CsA﹚∩﹙CsB﹚=﹛4,6,8﹜,求A和B.2.设S是至少含有两个元素的集合,在S上定义了一个二元运算 receive的音标怎么是receive:[ ri'si:v ] 音标里面的i怎么是短元音啊,按读音规则应该是长原因啊,应该在i后面加两点啊? 3道关于集合的数学题目1.A={x/x²-ax≤x-a,a∈R},B={x/2≤x+1≤4},A∪B=B,求a的取值范围.2.A={x/-2≤x≤5},B={x/m+1≤x≤2m-1},B包含于A,求m可取的值组成的集合.3.设集合A={-1,1},B={x/x²+2(a+1)x+a²-1=0},其 when my father went p_____ the bridge in ship,he took some photo. 这几个数的和是几 中的“几”是什么词性 词性转换!2道.1.They hopped through the narrow _______,one at a time.(open)2.The shop is still _______ although it's very late.(open) 词性转换21/It's____for you to finish it within two days.You still have another five days.(need)2/My friend Cindy doesn't like to eat ____food(freeze)3/l thought hard before l made a ____(decide)4/After twenty years' teaching ,she has become an __ 词性转换(两道)Which is the best _____(routes)to take?When you're a child,life is one big________(adventurous) 这是什么从句?that was probably when I was seeing the doctor.---I rang you at about ten,but there was no reply.---Oh,that was probably when I was seeing the doctor.when.开始这句 1921年郭沫若与郁达夫、成仿吾等人组织的文学团体是什么? 鲁迅的狂人日记 郭沫若的女神 闻一多的红烛 郁达夫的沉沦等作品为新文学起到了典范作用这句话对吗? That was probably when I was cooking.是什么类型的从句 什么是五四新文学运动 Two years ago,I was terribly ill.My doctor told me that the treatment would probably last afair long time.Scared and sad,I was in deep depression,unable to do anything except lying in my bed all day.Then,on a warm sunny day,walking in a park near my 古文观止中哪些篇目适合小学生阅读?希望能推荐些适合孩子阅读的、简短点的篇目.古文观止中哪些篇目适合小学生阅读?要简短些的. 英语翻译Three mice at the barThree mice are sitting at a bar in a rough neighborhood late at night trying to impress each other about how tough they are.The first mouse downs a shot of Jack Daniel's,slams the glass onto the bar,turns to the secon eat food in the kitchen until three fifteen是什么意思? 郭沫若为何将春秋战国时代比作第一次五四运动 做一做 我也试试 巧对欣赏做一做:1.选择一副自己喜欢的春联,自己买红纸,用毛笔认真书写,贴在自己家门上.2.你选择的春联是:________________________________________________________________3.选择的原因 有点怪是什么词性 求求你们解下第1题:设A是两个整数的平方差的集合,即A={x|x=m^2-n^2,m,n属于Z}.证明若s,t属于A,则st属于A.第2题:设集合M={x|x=n^2,n属于N},T={x|x=4k或x=4k+1,k属于N},求证,M真含于T 第3题:已知两个正整 林黛玉认为贾府是一个怎样的家族? 英语翻译要准确地,不要谷歌翻译,或者其他翻译器里的,翻出来不准确,写论文用的, 有能助寡人谋而退吴者,吾与之共知越国之政 是判断句吗 我听不懂老友记的英语对白-----是不是和老外交流以及做外贸别梦想了? 与寡人不助者当退,是谁说的?文言文中与寡人不助者当退是谁说的?