
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/05 13:52:38
有what i can do .歌词的英文歌是? 读者英文怎么写 如果可以的话, 初一、初二数学题1、用图象法解方程组{y-2x=1 x+2y=22、在甲处劳动的有28人,现在用掉20人去支援,要是在甲处的人数是乙处的两倍,应调往甲、乙两处各多少人?3、甲 爸爸和妈妈这些词语从何得来. 同样的意思可以用不同的词表达.如"买"1.爸爸购得了两条鱼 2.妈妈扯了三尺布你能再举一个这样的例子吗?1.________________________________2.____________________________________表示同样意思的词语是_____.____ 我们要考一次试,是要考初一初二的内容,而且时间比较紧迫,希望走过路过的大虾不要错过,是【重点】,或者是【考点】,不要全部内容的归纳,因为我有了。这次考试的话,因为是要考【尖 (你如何看待“巾帼不让须眉”)的作文怎么写?最好用“女子无才便是德”反驳 when will the weather forcast begin 怎么回答 用英文 英语翻译 look .watch.see有什么区别. look&watch&see的区别 目前影响台湾回归祖国的因素有哪些 <<祖父的园子>>生字组词急死了!如:伙(伙伴)(伙计) 祖父的园子的生字 香港能回归祖国的原因及意义是什么 繁星春水好词好句加赏析 繁星春水好词5个,好句5个加赏析.好的加奖15财富 1.点P为等边三角形ABC内一点,点D,E,F分别在边BC、AC,AB上,且PD‖AB,PE‖BC,PF‖AC,若△ABC的周长为12,则PD+PE+PF=?2.已知直角梯形ABCD的腰AB垂直于底边,CD=12,角BCD=30°,求AB的长 28题的(2)(3)小问怎么写 see watch 和look的区别 五年级26课开国大典课后生字组词一个组三个 开国大典的生字词 要拼音 求take me to your heart的中文歌词 It’s not polite to ask people what the weather is like in England对么?宾语从句中是用do you know what is the matter还是what the matter is?还有It’s not polite to ask people what the weather is like in England.还是It’s not polite to I like talking to people.和 I like talking with people.有什么区别吗? 补全对话:LI lei is talking with Jim about the weather in England.Li lei:what's the weather like in 1.如图,AB∥BC,点E是AB上一点,∠1=∠D,∠2=∠C,试说明DE⊥CE.2.如图,AB∥CD,∠ABE=∠FCD,∠F=40°,求∠E的度数3.如图,已知AB∥CD,求∠1+∠2+∠3+∠4+∠5的度数 将英文译成中文Chaplin was forced by the U.S. goverment to settle down in Switzerland in 1982. Most people get sick because the weather is cold.(改为同义句) Most people Most people get sick because the weather is cold.(改为同义句) Most people get sick the cold weat Many people don't like winter because they don't like( ) A.cold weather B.a cold weather...Many people don't like winter because they don't like( )A.cold weather B.a cold weatherC.cold day D.cold weathers