
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 12:52:30
西班牙语加油怎么说英语时fighting,西语怎么说呢? “加油巴萨”西班牙语怎么说? 刺身是什么做的 生鱼片怎么吃?就是我爸爸 有几个朋友是台湾船的船员 是钓金枪鱼的...有来 就带一些...可是 我爸吃法 好想怪怪的...把肉切好 放到冰箱里 急冻...然后 冻得硬硬的...在粘 芥末吃...跟去 完全 2010年3月购入并投入使用不需要安装设备一台原值860万元,预计使用年限5年,预计净残值2万元,采用双倍余额递减法计提折旧,则企业在2011年应计提折旧额多少 Because of the patient's health ,______________.A.losing weight was advised him by the doctorB.he was advised by the doctor to lose weightC.the doctor's advice was him losing weightD.lose weight was what the doctor advised Suzhou -----------shanghai.it takes only an hour to get to shanghai from suzhou by carA close to B not far away It takes only a few hours to g____to Shanghai 补写对联:(1)上联:春有( )秋有月 下联:夏有( )冬有雪 shanghai is( )the east of China,and it is( ) the east of Suzhou a.in.to b.in..in c.to..to.d.to,in 《种树郭橐驼传》《病梅馆记》《促织》《香菱学诗》《阿房宫赋》《黄州快哉亭记》《项脊轩志》《古诗为焦仲卿妻作》《秋水》《前赤壁赋》《窦娥冤》《二则》《训俭示康》《过秦论 怎样写对联要押韵 仿句,写对联的下联 阿根廷必胜用西班牙语怎么说?具体怎么拼写?怎么念? 阿根廷欢迎您怎么说(西班牙语)阿根廷永远是中国的朋友(西班牙语)、拼音形式急 一张储蓄卡的密码共有6位数字,每位数字都可从0—9中任选一个.某人在银行自动取款机上取钱时,忘记了密码的最后一位数字,求:任意按最后一位数字,不超过2次就按对的概率.答案是1/5,我觉 帮我如下的程序中问号的部分加上注释和解释 //////////////////灰度转换\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\private int[] RGBtoGray(int[] ImageSource){ int[]grayArray=new int[h*w];ColorModel colorModel=ColorModel.getRGBdefault(); int i ,j,k,r,g 求下列程序算法的功能,希望尽量多给代码注释一下,多给点解释谢了bool function(char* rs){if(!rs || !rs[0])return false;int nLen = strlen(rs);//获得rs的长度SqStack S;InitStack(S, nLen);bool ret = true;for(char *p = str; p 希望详细纯手写的的解析过程 歇后语替人写对联后半句是什么 写对联 根据你对相关课文的理解,填写对联的上句或下句.(一)上联: 下联:小石谭边柳宗元览物触情(一)上联:惟天下之忧而忧者方能生于忧患 下联: 写对联,意韵对什么 I would rather go to Beijing than go to Shanghai.同义句转换I ____ going to Beijing ____ ____ ____ to Shanghai. would rather than和prefer to 的区别 I'm thinking about flying to Shanghai rather than go there by train.为什么是go而不是going,前面不是flying吗? 2.IN FACT,MARY WOULD RATHER HAVE LETF TOR BEIJING ___IN SHANGHAI.A:TO STAY B:THAN STAY C:THAN HAVESTAYED D:TO HAVE STAYED WOULD RATHER TO China’s train sets world speed record A new high-speed train from Shanghai to Hangzhou We can take a train to Shanghai.的同义句 with a high speed 还是at a high speed?China has developed -- such a high speed. 用所给词的适当形式填空 He can ------(take)the bag to Shanghai. how can we get there?( )take the high-speed train?why don't