
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 11:49:53
雅思听力怎么练习?出了做真题还有其他的练习材料吗?每天练几个小时效果才好?我想考7分.本人大学六级530,BEC中级过了,觉得雅思跟这两个不是一个层次的. 雅思听力拿什么练比较好?ATT 怎么才能练好雅思听力阿!我还有一个月的时间.可是听雅思听力就像云里雾里是的.怎么办昂! 有没有什么适合练雅思听力的材料?听说LISTEN TO ME中级还有黑眼睛还好?哪个更适合 One evening Mr Harris was on duty when the phone rang.He went to answer it.It was Mrs Green.“Please,sir,come to my house.I had 5,000 dollars stolen.”Mr Harris hurried to her house.He asked Mrs Green,“When did you find the money missing?”“At 煤矿事故案例动画是什么意思? have sb doing造句很急 Music is_____.I like my music teacher .He is _____ A.relaxing ,fun B.good ,boring C.relaxing,late How did you like the dance?lt was boring._____ the actors and actresses ____ the music ___ goodA.Neither,nor,are B.Neither,nor,is C.Neither,nor,was D.Neither,nor,were 为什么我心总疼呢? 疼,该怎么掩饰?谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 for +时间段 at+时间点 have been to plan to do sth stay with sb come back the end of the month急 lots of people like the p_____ music.It's very relaxing.填横向上的单词.我觉得是pop(流行),但我同学说是piano(钢琴).到底是哪个啊? I (r ) like music because it's relaxing.根据括号内的首字母填单词,Thank you! 一切景语皆情语.天净沙·秋思 通过丰富的意象,渲染了______的气氛,抒发了作者极其______的情绪 天净沙秋思 全诗通过丰富的意象,渲染了生么气氛,抒发了诗人极其什么的情绪 天净沙秋思 全市通过丰富的意象 渲染了上什么样的气氛 天净沙秋思全文中渲染了什么气氛?回我被?沉舟侧畔千帆过 病树前头万木春 历来为人所称赞 是从诗人的思想感情和蕴含的哲理两个角度说说1;思想感情---------------------------------2;哲理------ Tail of 简历里面Field of Training Desired什么意思 in the field 如何用英文礼貌的打断别人说话 bring sb sth 造句 bring back 造句 bring sth to sb造句 They melt when heated.When heated在这里是什么用法? 我都迷茫了,不好意思, 看语文教案,大家都上什么网呀,推荐几个看看?我要找(语文版)八年级的 thorough,complete,entire,overall都有完全的意思,有什么区别?同上,请具体说明一下 total,entire,all,pure,whole,outright的区别 all whole total all complete的用法及其区别,请详细一点,谢谢! entire和whole有什么区别?i was laughing the entire time