
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:44:45
he was born into a ( ) family 他出生在一个充满艺术气息的家庭翻译成英文.填那个空格就好. 一个红色棱长是4cm的立方体,将其分割成棱长为1cm的小立方体,六个面没有涂色的小正方体的表面积之和为多少?它们占有多少立方厘米的空间? 用120厘米长的铁丝围成一个长方形,长与宽的比是7:5,这个长方形的面积是( )平方厘米 在一个棱长是4cm的正方体中挖去一个棱长是1cm的小正方体.剩下的立方体图形的体积是多少?表面积最大是多少?最小是多少? 将一个正方体的表面全部涂成红色然后把它分割成棱长为1cm的小正方体在这些小正方体中只有1个面涂红色的有2个求原正方体的表面积和体积 Born in such a family have no choice llovemarrage!翻译中文要正确答案 哈根达斯冰淇淋的英语简介,不要很多单词的最好帮我翻译这段话:哈根达斯这一品牌,是1921年由一个热爱品尝冰激凌的波兰裔家庭在美国创立的.Haagen-Dazs是马特斯根据北欧语系而创造的,这是 Li Me often gives us some good information through e-mail. 定语从句,如果从句为there be 句型那关系词用that,谁能举个例子? there be句型做宾语从句是that可省略吗 there be 句型作宾语从句可加that吗?如题,he is surprised (that) there are-----请问,这个that it is...that..与there be..that..引导的从句有没有共同点 冰激凌英文怎么写 在there be 句型做主句时,从句只用that如题 那who能用吗?在there be 句型做主句时,从句只用that WHO 这就是题啊 注意 是在定语从句中 英语翻译I have a heart,I swear I do But just not,baby,when it comes to you I get so hungry When you say you love me Hush,if you know what's good for you I think you're hot,I think you're cool You're the kind of guy I'd stalk in school But now tha Like A Rose帮忙翻译一下[00:10.80]And as i look into your eyes[00:14.38]I see an angel in disguise[00:17.81]Sent from god above for me to love[00:21.94]To hold and idolise[00:25.11]And as i hold your boby near[00:28.66]I see this month through t 英语翻译The typhoon shelters (避风港) were soon full of boats.Ships that were too big to go inside the shelters put down more anchors (锚).Some very big shops went out to sea.It is safer for a big shop to be at sea in a typhoon because it can 求 A red red rose 的三个翻译版本最好要具有权威性的 我希望从来没有认识你,用英语怎么说我们分手吧 把棱长为1米的大正方体分割成棱长是1分米然后把这些木块排成一排长多少米怎么做? 希望你明白..英语怎么说 英语 that 在定语从句 从句中做不做成分 that 在定语从句中作什么成分? Brain is so kind that he often gives me a-------when i'm in trouble.A.reply B.seat C.hand D.reason Jack is so kind that he often gives me a__when i am in trouble.A.toy B.seat C.hand D.reasonA:Is this your cap on my desk?B:Oh!That's it!Thank you very much.A:_____.A.That's right.B:All right.C:It doesn't matter.D.You're welcome. the rich man often gives his money to c___.how kind he is 用法 1、Baloney is a kind of sausage that many Americans eat often.这里的 often 为什么在动词后面呢?1、Baloney is a kind of sausage that many Americans eat often.这里的 often 为什么在动词后面呢?2、Fifty years ago,a former governo Mr.Smith is such a kind man that he often () to help others.the workers were () in buliding new schools in Sichuan.用take time 和activity填空 It happens that引导的是什么从句? It's said+that从句,“据说……”,为什么不是It says+that从句It's said+that从句 是“据说……”的意思,为什么不是这样:It says+that从句?莫非It's said用的是被动语态,意思是“事情被说成是……”,所 Clinton was born into a poor family in 1946是对的么?我见过的词组是 be born in 而 be born into 是不是错了,能那么说么 不能吧 though born in a poor family = though (he was) born in a poor family 这是状语从句的省略语法,刚我忘问了:though引导的让步状语从句 可以省略 那么as不也是即使的意思吗..后面跟的不是状语从句吗?麻烦您