
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:01:14
They went to the park by bus.改为同义句 They went to a park(by bus)the day before yesterday.对括号里部分提问 michael you are my life歌词翻译 they went to the park yesterday变成否定句 you are the love of my life 翻译是什么? They went by bus to Badaling.(对本句提问) (求翻译)The greatest happiness in life is that you find the one you love is loving you as wel如题, 恕本人不才,英文是语文老师教的,请翻译达人来帮个忙额,给力者追加分.The greatest happiness in life is that you find the SEVEN+THREE+TWO=TWELVE 每一个字母代表一个数 回答之后有追加悬赏 你好.一个小学问题;SEVEN +THREE + TWO = TWELVE 这写字母各代表什么数字 算式谜:seven+three+two=twelve加法算式seven+three+two=twelve中,相同的字母代表相同的数字,不同的字母代表不同的数字,求这算式. 买这本书我花了100美元 5种以上英文翻译 关于100万美元怎么花的英语作文大虾们帮写一篇,带上作文名字好的我加分谢谢了. GDP为100亿美元,IT占GDP的比重为6.4%,IT的是多少亿美元 手机词典好还是电子词典好 英语电子词典哪个好,电子词典哪种好,电子词典买哪种好 推荐一下现在市面上最好的电子词典?有古汉词典,文言文词典的也有英语牛津和朗文词典的电子词典? 英语翻译动词不定式1为了全家人的生计,我父亲迫不及待地又去找一份兼职工作can`t wait to2我们发现学会如何使用自动提款机是非常重要的find3是你的帮助使我有可能在美国读完MBA make 英语翻译1当他回来时,他发现人民广场已变得认不出来了beyond2我们决不应该忽略事实,把结论建立在想象之上base on3每位公民都应该讲道德,知道在公共场合如何表现behave4你以为谁应该对这次 英语翻译name of person(s) filing proxy statement,if other the registrantcheck box if any of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously the previous filing -__ ___one hundred and one thousand?-It's 1,100. She thinks she can get there on time,_ she?A.can B.doesn't C.can't D.does为什么选can't 不选dosen't 答得好 She thinks she can get there on time,___?A.can B.doesn't C.can't D.does 但我认为B正确补充一问:only a little是固定词组吗? she tries ---- (get) there on time Not to waste time searching,she kept everything just ___she could get her hands on it.a、whereb、asc、whend、 if She made a great ___ to get the work done on time.a、ablilityb、lengthc、forced、effort 中译英 :可以本周再安排次付款吗?我们美金帐户的资金不多了,这周还要付其他海外代理公司2月运费约20万美.希望能再次得到贵司的帮助! 中译英 走了几票大货,我们垫付了很多资金,其他海外代理也在催我们付款,所以这周请帮忙结清6月运费中译英 走了几票大货,我们垫付了很多资金,其他海外代理也在催我们付款,所以这周请帮 中译英:因为A公司延期付款0.32万美元 It's highly possible that we'll walk there instead of____(take)a bus. 把句子改为同义句,每空一词,缩写算一词If you are too busy to go there I will go there instead of you.If you are not_______ ________ to go there.I will go there ________ _______ _______you. more and more people enjoy taking the bus instead of walkingMore and more people enjoy taking the bus instead of walking.More and more people _______ taking the bus ______ walking I like riding a bike there instead of taking a bus 句型转换I —— —— a bike there —— —— a bus