
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:04:45
怎么啦用英语怎么说快 怎么啦 用英语怎么说 Bill said he would have a ( )(两个月的)vacation 一块红布长40米,宽24米,裁成最大正方形可以裁几块? drive的意思是什么 drive什么意思 英语翻译between this building and the dining hall is the classroom building with twenty-four classroom 翻译 We have ______ rain this spring.The trees and grass don’t grow well.A.little B.a little 选哪个 Now more and more peopie know piants are important.They will piant more trees and grow more piants.They will do their best to protect them.And our country will be more beautiful. would have been的句子 我快疯了Such legs would have been far too small to have supported the 50-foot-long Basilosaurus on land..这里的would have been 怎么讲 也是虚拟语气吗 翻译不通啊would have been far too small 是说过去 decline有婉言拒绝的意思,那in decline有婉言拒绝的意思吗? 我给一个外国网友发了照片 他说 I got your pictures too and your beautiful.Even more of a surprise that your not taken .我想知道taken在这里是什么意思 decline and 有人知道吗//////////十万火急////////// and even here it has taken more than four billion years for plant and animal life to evolve.什么句型?句子成份? 二、单项选择 ( )24、We are going to have a meeting lunchtime.What will you have lunch?A二、单项选择( )24、We are going to have a meeting lunchtime.What will you have lunch?A.for,at B.in,to C.of,as D.at,for( )25、Ann met an won t you stand 伴奏谁有 we dance shall连词成句 英语翻译shall we dance 如何计算种植密度 举办奥运会用英语说动词应用host还是hold host是什么意思? shall we的句型 访问控制列表中的host是什么意思1.access-list 101 deny tcp host any eq telnetaccess-list 101 permit ip any any2.access-list 101 permit tcp host host eq telnetaccess-list 101 permit ip any any上面2个host let us 和shall we 一样吗急 求好一点的德语语法书小弟刚开始学德语,学的是基础德语,不知道有什么配套的语法书,或是适用于一点德语都不会的人的语法书. 17 18 的A Shall us B Shall we C let we 有没有比较好的德语语法书有中文讲解的. 白菜的密度是多少?不是问种植密度,是指物理上讲的密度... Let's have a talk,shall we?的回答 We should have a talk __him. 美国人说we should have a talk是不是指他生气了 We have o___ views on this question,we should have a talk.