
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 13:43:58
6X4的格子 放13个瓶子每行每列都是双数 该怎么放 Ammie的读音和Amy有什么区别?amy不是amily的昵称吗 把10个苹果放入4*4的方格里,每行每列都是偶数个苹果怎么放? 如图,平行四边形ABCD,e是dc上的一点,ae的延长线交bc于f,求证:ab*ae=af*ed 初三英语作文求修改!在线等,好的追分!in these year,my hometown has changed a lot.in the past,my hometown was small and the people in there were very poor so their houses were old.pollution was serious,and there was rubbish everywhere.th 连词成句,好的追分and,off,ready,so,he,things,pizzas,his,and,started,some,drinks,got,with.(将这些词,连成一个句子)能不能请你们再翻译一下句子的意思,小女子感激不尽! 已知△ABC的三边为a,b,c,试化简根号(a-b-c)*-2根号a*+b*+c*-2ab-2bc+2ac+3a+b-c的绝对值 a、b、c是△ABC三边,怎么得出a^2+b^2+c^2-2ab-2ac-2bc<0?如果:a^2+b^2是否>c^2? 初一英语学渣在这里啊 天性凉薄什么意思 说的是哪方面谢谢了,大神帮忙啊 请问“天性薄凉”的意思! 天性凉薄是好是坏?天性凉薄的人有什么特点? 我天性凉薄该改吗这样很难生存阿 急求200道初三英语选择题含答案 初三英语演讲稿关于健康的200字左右, 我诅咒你们是不会幸福的;周敏我恨你;翻译成文言文 英语翻译This clause 6 will not apply to Confidential Information which:1.is already,or which subsequently comes into,in the public domain other than through a breach of this or any other Agreement between the Parties;2.is in the possession of the 初三英语首字母提高,有什么好的方法吗? 君子耿直常遭罪,小人缝迎却得益,美酒珠宝皆俗物,信得公道终有期. 唯小人与君子难养也 “君子坦荡荡,小人常戚戚”是什么意思啊,君子是什么样,小人是什么样啊? The accident ————on the morning of July 1.A happenedB has happenedC was happenedD was happen不及物动词就没有完成时?有一段时间用完成具体过去时间用过去? The radio is too _____.Please turn it down.A loud B aloud C loudly D louder为什么选择A而不是C呢?这是为什么? 【紧急】初三英语1.parents shouldn't let children smoke or drink改为被动语态的同义句如何改?Children____ _____ _____to smoke or drink by parents.2.I used to worry that I couldn't pass the English yet.同义句:I used to worry____ 十万火急,在线等,快,几道初三英语,高手进,帮忙了,谢啦1.Li Lei and Bob___(take)notes when I came into the classroom2.I have to change the___(origin)plan for lack of money3.The teacher asked us___(solve)the problems by ___(use)the kn 十万火急,快,几道初三英语,1.Li Lei and Bob___(take)notes when I came into the classroom2.I have to change the___(origin)plan for lack of money3.The teacher asked us___(solve)the problems by ___(use)the knowledge we learned4.She said__(have) 天性凉薄 的薄 是读báo还是bó 几声? 青岛名人的作文(一件事,要突出人物品质)450字左右 y=kx+b中,k和b分别代表什么? y=kx+b里k和b分别表示什么如题所说表示什么啊代表着啥子请帮我哦还是有点不懂诶那在弹性限度内,弹簧的长度y(厘米)是所挂物体质量x(千克)的一次函数。一根弹簧不挂物体时长14.5厘米 用正三角形与正方形,设在一个顶点周围有m个正三角形,n个正方形,则m,n的值为 急阿,亲们∵ ∴的形式 言无常信,行无常贞,惟利所在,无所不倾,若是则可谓小人矣是什么意思