
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:01:30
There are models of over a hundred places of interest from all over the world的中文意思是什么 选择 There are over ( ) places of interest from all over the world in the World ParkA.two hundred of B.two hundreds C.hundred of D.twohundred 选哪一个啊,为什么 这些衣服仅售25美元.These clothes _______ ______ ______ for only $25.My sister ________(sing)well and we all like her.Can you _______(swimming)with me,Jim? 英语翻译 #英语四六级#My brother doesn't well in PE.怎么改错? 甲乙两个人钓鱼,甲钓5条乙钓4条,来了个丙他不钓鱼三个人平分吃了鱼然后丙拿出9块钱来问甲乙两个人怎么分 人民公园举行钓鱼比赛.王强钓鱼的只数相当于李强的四分之三.如果两个人的总鱼不到30条,那么它们各钓了多少条?不用方程.列算式. 一个老人在河边钓鱼,技巧纯熟,没多久就钓了满篓的鱼|作文指导 Daming watches TV every evening.(改为否定句) I JUST WANT TO KNOW MY LIFE IS FOR?... 英语完形Fashion not only in ClothesFor most people,the word “fashion” means “clothes”. But people may ask the question,“What ___1___ are in fashion?” And they use the adjective “fashionable” in the same way: “She was wearing a _ I don't know where is my clourful-life.but i just know it need creat by myself.Fighting请帮忙翻译成中文, My life is just like Looking Jim sits behind Li Lei.转换同义句 She sits right behind me.该同义句、She sits right behind me.该同义句、I sit ( )( ) ( )( ) her. he made great progress,making his parents happy. He made ____ little progress that his parents felt disappointed.是填such还是so?如果把little progress换成great progress空格里是填such还是so?我刚才在网上查这道题目的时候在great progress前填的是such。我现在做的 Don't be so ___ .Just believe in yourself.(fool) may be!i just aide may be.but no one know ,and you can believe yourself.帮我解释些这段话! I don't know why,but it is exactly the truth.It is never too late to learn and my life is on! 找一首英文歌 女声的 很high 有一句什么“my life is ……a mess、a mess”什么的 Itis lucky to know you in my life it is pity to give up you 英语翻译 I ___(call)you last night ,but nobody ____(answer). There is a boy and a girl.翻译成“这是一个男孩和一个女孩”对吗? (在某班里)有两个男孩骑车上学:There are two boys to go/going to school by bike. 这样翻译对吗 英语翻译There was a small boy do not know anything.Was a very naive girls attracted,very tragic results,the little boy is now slowly Zhang has also ceased to be a sensible boy,one day,suddenly the thought of that girl.Very tragic thing,is not it 蔬菜可以用真空包装吗?如白菜、萝卜等? 真空包装蔬菜能保证新鲜吗 I's too late for school.I don't know___________A.what to do that B.how to do C.what to do D.How to do it 蔬菜真空包装几天后会有气体是什么原因?为什么放在保鲜的冰柜里没事?有什么办法可以解决吗? 绿叶蔬菜比如香椿能不能用真空包装?