
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 16:29:49
小学三年级班训,口号,一句话,不要太长,最好8个字以内能不能特别点,有创意点,短点,深刻点,谢谢 mig焊机与tig焊机有什么区别?主要是mig到底是惰性气体,还是活性气体保护焊 实验室可用软锰矿(主要成分MnO2)为原料制备高锰酸钾.其部分流程如下:第三题第(4)问,为什么没有碳酸氢锰?、答案是碳酸氢钾. You'd better not put off your coat.里You'd的'd代表哪个单词 You 'd better put on your coat. it's _____outsidYou 'd better put on your coat. it's _____outside.a.too much cold. b.much too coldc.very much cold. d.cold so much The blue pencil is shorter than the red one.的 one 英语翻译看张字条也要百度.汗.. The blue coat is more expensive than the red one.(同义句) 英语翻译还有The pink bag is bigger than the black one. MAG焊的保护气体加入氧气的作用是什么?TIG和MIG都没有加,是怕把工件氧化了吗?MAG不怕吗? 为什么用TIG或MIG等传统熔化焊方法焊接的铝合金结构件无法满足航空应用 6-8字 班训要经典的.有内涵的.最好标下每句的注解 As Long As It Takes歌词帮忙找找As Long As It Takes的歌词. 求《As Long As It Takes》歌词 as long as it takes的歌词歌手:meredith andrews 求as long as it takes歌词注意是Meredith Andrews的as long as it takes 求你不要贴其他的3QU Thank you for your love 歌词 water fiowers是什么意思 Demin Sweet what()they()they()there?what()they()they()there?[do] I can't stop,can't stop this love.No matter what they say,I love you.They said this love was impossible kind.But we were strong enough to fight this life.Now,I'm carried away,because I've opened arms,you're here to stay,deep in my heart.They said we I lose my way And it`s not too long before you point it out 请教It's way too high.中way的用法解释~~~~如题 No matter what they say I Love You.3Q it's way too light.这个way什么用法? That's the wrong way.It ____ too long.A.take B.takes C.spends D.costs请说一下为什么 将people,Dr sun yatsen,did,free,try,the,to怎样变成一个句子 could he do that?Did he free the people? Sorry,I'm not Linda.Sorry,____ ______isn't Linda. “袤”这个字念神马? Sorry,I'm not Linda.同义句Sorry,___ ___ isn't Linda.