
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/02 22:44:52
我们应该怎样才能做一个诚信的人?(至少三点) reading,books,laura,enjoys ,english.连词成句 Anywhere she goes,he goes too. English ReadingOne day a man brought a __1____ ti his house.The next day his cat saw the parrot and wanted to ___2___it.Very slowly the cat came nearer and nearer.It was thinking how nice it would be to have this animal for its meal.The poor parrot w 八下英语的Reading!急需! Reading English storybooks is good way of()EnglishA.learning B learn C learned D to learn求整个句子翻译 the first有关的固定句式都有哪些》?我印象中有用完成时的有用to do的,但是忘了具体是什么了,请详细列举 the first leaf falling中falling 是什么语法点啊?亲,\(^o^)/~ the first 后面可跟什么做后置定语?有一个语法上说不定式,The first mammal to be cloned successfully fom an adult cell was Dolly the sheep.这是课本上的原句.那为什么不选B呢?The first text books-----for teaching English 判断单词划线部分读音是否相同:city heavy划线ysecond office划线o Write a short passage on your last weeked 的中文意思 新东方托福点题班考前多久上比较好? “我不知道”除了I don't know,don't know外,还有一个貌似是danno.求这个词的正确拼写 英语翻译诸如姓"朱"翻译成chu,"王"直接翻译成wang那么"涂"怎么翻译?难道too?还是直接tu? sandwich是不是可数名词? sandwich结构是什么? Write yuor own newspaper want ad.七年级下册第四单元的作文,用英语,最少50个单词呀………… sandwich到底怎么读?字词典注音没有这个d的发音,但听录音,美国人读的分明有这个d的发音.这是怎么回事? 题目是write your own newpaper want ad.60字左右即可 sandwich是什么? sandwich可数吗 1.I don't know ______.A.whom to go there B.with whom to there C.with whom to go there D.to go there with whom 2.Could you tell me_____?A.where is the supermarket B.how much should I do C.how long he has borrowed it D.what yoursister prefers I Don,t know 最需要什么 怎么翻译 i don't know怎么翻译? Write a passage about your own day.Then talk about it with your classmates.You may begin like this写一篇文章 “A sizable portion of the world is only just emerging from economic decline."这句话中的only修饰谁“A sizable portion of the world is only just emerging from economic decline."这句话中的only修饰哪个? 世界太不公平了,活是穷人干的,钱是富人花的.有的人生下来就注定要过贫穷的生活,而有的人在娘肚子里就成富翁了.上天连婴儿也不放过.这根源究竟在哪里?悲痛至极! 为什么世界上要分有钱人 和穷人 为什么有些人一生来就可以什么都不干 有些人 就给拼命干活 完事还得不到好有钱人 和穷人· English is too hard for me().A well B either C as well D to 拜托两分钟,我要准确答案 英语 单项选择___ is very useful for us students ____ English well___ is very useful for us students ____ English wellA.This ; to learn B.That ; to learnC.It ; to learn D.It ; learns The rose ______love.正解是:stands for 但为什么形容一类人使用复数形式,而这种情况就用单数呢? 关税属于政治还是经济因素RT,我觉得是经济,可是pestel分析百度百科里它在政治因素那栏,刷分的我会毫不犹豫地举报,请滚蛋,请给我说明清楚一些,给出能让我明白、信服的解释今天我已经问