
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 14:02:13
(-1)的1次方+(-1)的2次方+.(-1)的2000次方=? 计算:l 2/1-1 l+l 3/1-2/1 l +l 4/1-3/1 l +……+l 2014/1-2013/1 l 我的智商150但是我很笨.我的智商150但是我很笨,工作业绩不突出,人际交往不突出.都说150的智商是天才,我没看出来一点的天分.相反我还感觉自己很木讷、 设F1F2分别是椭圆x^/4+y^=1的左右焦点,若Q是该椭圆上的一个动点,求向量PF1*向量QF2的最大值 第14,15,16, 孔融让梨的故事怎么讲?我要读读孔融让梨的故事, 孔融让梨 的故事给了你什么启发? 谁出几道测试题 我有几道解比例的题谁能告诉我怎么写,列示什么的全要,急0.4:X =1.2:2 X:10=1/4:1/3 2.4/12 =X/3 要求正确率一定要高!题号:1 题型:单选题(请在以下几个选项中选择唯一正确答案) 本题分数:5内容:Spring has come and wind has ____ in its direction.选项:a、shiftedb、convertedc、alteredd、transformed---------- 设点p是椭圆x2/4+y2=1上一点,F1F2是椭圆两个焦点,则PF1*PF2的最大值为多少?最小值是多少? 四级听力18个3个单词 快速阅读5个2个 完型8个 深度阅读4个选词4个 翻译一个半 作文大众水平 能过么? 1:Please let _______ you about the news.a:him to tell b:her tell c:i tell d:she tell2:He is going to______ in New york with his parents.a:take b:staying c:bring d:stay3:which place of intest is not in Beijing?a:The Summer Place b:The Forbidden City c Is there a pay phone ____ the neighborhood. Yes,it's_____ Center Street ____ the right. A.in;down;on B.on;on;in C.in;on;in D.on;down;on2.Go along Center Street and ____.You can find the hotelA.turn the left B.turn to r 1.What does Lee look like?He's tall ____ blonde hair.A.in B.on C.with D.has2.The pretty girl has _____ hair.A.long brown B.brown long C.a long brown D.a brown long3.What about _____ shopping on Sunday?Good idea!A.go B.goes C.to go D.going 一.How do you feel when you see the national fiag of China?It makes me ____proud.A.feel B.to feel C.felt D.feeling二.Do you mind ____ up the music?No,never mind.A.to turn B.turning C.become D.becoming三.I can't give up smoking,doctor.For your heal 1.The girl is crying _____her hands on her stomach.A.with B.to C.in D.of.2.Millie gave _____ intereting talk on " the life of a trainer ".A./ B.a C.the D.an3.---what are your new boots like --It's a pair of _______.A.white long leather bootsB.white l 一题有关物理哦.题目在问题补充说明那儿.体积为1立方分米的铝球挂在弹簧秤下,当铝球浸没与水中时,弹簧秤的读数为9.8牛顿.问此铝球是否空心 长为L 质量为M的小船停在静水里,一质量为m的人立在船头,不计水的阻力,当人从船头走到船尾的过程中,人和船对地面的位移各是多少? 交通法则的作文怎么写 交通文明 的作文怎么写 文明交通行动的作文怎么写 3道初一英语选择题1.How many boys are there( )? There are twenty-oneA.in your groupB.on your groupC.at your group2.We want a house()beautiful furnuture.A.to B.with C.on3.What house would you like()? An apartmentA.to live in B.to liv 砌单砖是用砖头的哪个尺寸做墙的厚度?假设砖头的尺寸是240×115×53㎜. 谁来帮下忙? 一块标准砖头的尺寸是多少? 一个砖头长25厘米,宽12厘米,厚5厘米,1000块,它占多大空间? 请问清朝的砖头与明朝的砖头大小一样吗? ( )比30kg多6分之1 36kg比( )少4分之3 36kg比( )少4分之3kg 小红体重36kg,小红体重比小明的4分之3多3kg,小明体重多少kg? 读叔本华书之前要做的准备尤其是读他的《作为意志和表象的世界》这本书之前,在知识方面需要先做什么准备么?对康德的哲学需要了解多少? 求有关未来交通的英语文章