
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 20:04:09
1.can i help you?改为同义句 2.i need a white skirt.改为一般疑问句3.do you like this blue t-shirt?作否定回答4.they selll bags in this store.改为否定句5.my red dress is (a sweater) .对括号部分提问 两个倾角相同的滑杆上分别套有A、B两圆环,两环上分别用细线悬吊着两物体C、D,如图所示,当它们都沿滑杆向下滑动时,A的悬线与杆垂直,B的悬线竖直向下.则〔 〕A.A环与杆无摩擦力B.B环与 两倾斜的滑杆上分别套有A,B两个小球,两小球上分别用细线悬吊着一个物体,如图3所示.当它们都沿滑杆向下滑动时,A的悬线与滑杆垂直,B的悬线竖直向下,则(  )A.A小球与滑杆无摩擦力B.B小 I like you.怎么变为反义疑问句 小张购买50元的大米,所能购买的总数n(kg)与单价a(元*kg)的关系式为———,其中的变量是—常量是——急急急~~~加悬赏啊!!! you like a skirt .I like a skirt,too.合成一句 They wanted to know_____________.请问这道选择题应该选哪项,为什么,A.why he didn't think it was a good idea B.why he thinks it was not a good ideaC.why he thought it was not a good ideaD.why didn't he think it was a good idea They all wanted to know___?用A.what was the matter with sb?还是B.what'swrong with sb?到底选哪个?有什么区别?同志们,这两个意思都能用,我是问哪个语法可以用,OK? I‘d like some onions.(改为一般疑问句) ------ you like ----- onions They all wanted to know___a.what was the matter with Tom b.what the matter was with Tom c.what's wrong with Tom d.what's happening to Tom 新年的祝词:一帆风顺,二龙腾飞,三阳开泰,四季发财,五谷丰登,六六大顺,七星高照,八方进宝,【九是什么?】十全十美 求新年短信祝福语:一...二...三...四...五...六...七...八...九...十...百...千...万...亿...一...二... 在消防演习中,消防队员从一根竖直的长直轻绳上由静止滑下,经一段时间落地.为了获得演习中的一些数据,以提高训练质量,研究人员在轻绳上端安装一个力传感器并与数据处理系统相连接, know think see 的区别 sing 、know 、thank 、think 里的n发的音哪一个是不同的 I don't know who do you think you are和 I don't know who you think you are的差别如题,一个有do 一个没有do.我知道who do you think you are是你以为你是谁的意思.后面一句我是听一首英文歌的·歌词. do you know和do you think的区别?how many apples are there on the tree do you know?是Do you know how many apples are there on the tree 还是Do you know how many apples there are on the tree do you think how many apples are there on the tree 这2 He was _____a blue T-shirt.中间应该填什么介词,或者副词.八年级上册的,大虾都要帮帮我,急用。 立正用英语怎么说 英语中抬头站直怎么说? which one do you like?的中文 which one do you like?中which做什么成分 (连词成句)they no aren't 好事成双 四四如意 六六大顺 中学物理中用交流电与直流电的实验器材分别有哪些? 连词成句in,they,your,sbhool,you(?) 关于勾股定理的初中数学题1.已知直线y=mx-1上有一点B(1,n),它到原点的距离是根号10,则此直线与两坐标轴围成的三角形的面积为2.三角形ABC中,AB=10,BC=16,BC边上的中线AD=6,则AC= 关于勾股定理的如图,在四边形ABCD中,∠A=90度,AD=AB=4,BC=6,CD=2,求∠ADC的度数 I like elephants.Because they are the_________land(陆地) animals.They can________things for people. By the way,_______can we get to the park?We can go by bike.________shall we meet? At nine o'clock in the morning 集合A={1,a-1},集合B={1,0,a方},A真包含于B,求a的取值.这道题是有解的.答案是a≠0且a≠±1 但是我想要解题过程. 如图,四边形ABCD是梯形,AD平行BC,CA是∠BCD的平分线,且AB⊥AC,AC=4,AD=6则tanB=?要做AE平行AB . 已知集合A={x|x^2-3x+2=0} ,B={x|x^2-ax+3a-5=0},若A∩B=B,求实数a的值(尽量写简要过程,就是分类中a的几个情况)