
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/09 23:09:50
英语翻译 拉丁文是不是就是西班牙文?Latin就是spanish吗? 英语翻译If you are going into business with your friends,make sure you treat them asprofessionally as you would your arms-length business partners.这里的as professionally as you would your arms-length business partners怎么解释 英语翻译Oracle is buying half body parts and trying to make a body out of it. 西班牙语和拉丁语有什么联系? 想看英文原著,请大家推荐一本合适的小说 推荐些英文原著小说只有大一水平啊,不要给些太深奥的啊! 希望高手建议一些阅读英文文学原著的好方法.我已经看过原著《简爱》、《红与黑》(英文)和《无名的裘德》原版,都是边读边查词典,看不懂时参照中文翻译.这样感觉;1、小说中的单词 推荐适合大学生看的英语小说原版英语名著小说我肯定是看不懂的,单词量实在不够啊!最近有在看床头灯英语系列的5000词和6500词 感觉难度适当的说~想请教还有其他这类型的英语读物嘛?或者 比较好看的英文原著小说有那些啊? 请问剑桥商务英语BEC的初级、中级、高级分别相当于什么难度还有是不是一定要考了初级才能考中级?学工科的人有必要学BEC吗 难度怎么样?我没考过中级的,但是过了中级口译的,不知道能不能直接报考剑桥商务英语高级的呢? BEC商务英语高级至少得是什么水平? 英语翻译1.what's the length of the table?改成___ ___is the table?2.How old is he?改成___ ___his___ ___?3.How tall is he?改成.___ your___?4.I like English very much.改成I an ___ ___English5.I got a letter from my sister yesterday.改成I__ 剑桥商务英语BEC(高级)去哪报名?什么时候报名?我是辽宁沈阳的. 推荐原著难度大的英文小说我看了大仲马的《三个火枪手》英文版…………要找一本比这个难度更大的,而且要很有意思的(三个火枪手的故事就很有意思,很武侠……)俺的要求~1、难度大 推荐几部好看经典的英文小说原著 介绍几部英文原著小说, 给你 英语单词 ‘一点也不’的英语单词 (100词左右)快体裁不限,要有文题\翻译,2篇左右 "小说"这个词用英语怎么写 英语翻译a transparency refers to the degree of openness a business shows concerning its decisions and activities 英语翻译A finance director in a big company,for example,will often make a terrible samll company finance director because he or she is used to having a team doing the day-to-day jobs. 英语翻译the period was devastating as well for corporate and municipal bonds,real estate and commodities. 商务英语一句,求翻译,谢谢Sales are not high, but a good price can be obtained for fashionable designs. 怎么翻译比较合适 英语翻译The POI for a market- economy investigation normally covers the four most recently completed fiscal quarters as of the month proceeding the month in which the petition is filed.POI是调查期限, 搜狗特殊标点符号怎么打 怎样用搜狗打标点准确快捷 找有一首英文歌 歌词我只记得I don' know want to I don' know want to say 女生唱的,节奏感很强.已经发送请查收 我想找一首英文歌,一开始的名字应该是I want to fuck you,后来好像改成I want to love you了是男的唱的,具体是哪个组合,还是哪个人,我忘了. 你复制的歌词不对 i want you to know the beautiful day this wander song this is my life 你补充完整http://www.stsky.com/Music/233252.htm歌曲在这里,我翻译了一半,大概如下,你只需要补充完善,其它的就不要乱发一下