
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/06/07 09:08:47
英语短文阅读:One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains.They put up their teOne day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains.They put up their tents(帐篷)and then rode their horses(马)to a forest to see how the trees 英语短文阅读:One day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains.They put up theirOne day Bob took two of his friends into the mountains.They put up their tents(帐篷)and then rode their horses(马)to a forest to see how the trees wer One day,Bob and his two friends _____(ride) into the mountains. 跪求格列佛游记好词100个词 Can you bring me s_____ to drink? 格列佛游记好词只要好词!复制粘贴的滚!至少50个 每一个人的幸福观是什么? It was obvious that the driver___control his car.A.could not B.cannot C.didn't D.doesn't 雨露轻攸用英语怎么说雨露轻攸(yu lu qing you)用英语怎么说? The song Welcome to China ______ excited.I like it a lot.A takes B looks C soundes D feels应该选哪个?求原因…… 梦幻雨露的英语是什么 英语翻译急用 当今中国人幸福指数中国人的幸福指数是多少?和其他国家相比呢?中国社会现在是进步退步还是原地未动?中国所谓的经济的大发展背后的代价又是什么? l picked apples last week 对picked apples 进行提问 Can I get you something to drink?如何回答 A .It's very nice of you .B .With pleasure.C .You can ,please.D .Thank you for the tea . Can I get you something to drink?可以直接写成 can i get you drink吗?为什么要something 什么叫做雨露 最后一自然段的理解生命是一个奋斗的过程,也是一个等待的过程.因为人生不会是一马平川,不会总是春风得意.在太多的不顺心、不如意甚至挫折沮丧面前,我们需要的是平和的心态,想普雅花 仿写句子“真诚是春风,它拂去了心灵的微尘.真诚是雨露,它滋润着友谊的花朵”有助于回答者给出准确的答案字要对上! 理想是洒在心中的雨露,滋润着花儿茁壮成长仿句 《感恩》歌词是:我是一颗小小的树苗,爱的雨露滋润我长高,赐予我生命.是小孩子唱的,网上哪里能找到 people ------- english in the usa 仿句 称赞是我们成长中不可或缺的营养品,就像雨露浇灌着种子,阳光照耀着花朵. 美国拥有完整而便捷的交通运输网络,麻烦高手翻译成英文 谁能给我一篇题目是”感谢老师”的作文,600字,以鲜花感谢雨露,苍鹰感谢蓝天,而我们感谢老师为开头, He asked how much I thought it would costRT 这句话表述对吗? he probably speaks English well 的填写句子是什么?如:he lives 螃蟹在陆地上是怎么呼吸的? "听了英雄的事迹报告,我们的心久久不能平静"是病句吗?rt He comes from England Does he from England 那句句子错的 还有两个月了,六级现在开始复习来得及不时间不多了,我基础又不怎么好,四级也才考了437,请问我应该从哪里开始着手复习列?额,我觉得这次过有点悬,不过也当是为下次做预热了. 剩下不多的时间 如何高效准备英语6级?