
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 22:59:46
火星直径约为地球半径的一半,质量约为地球的十分之一,他绕太阳公转半径约为地球公转半径1.5倍.比较重力加速度、周期、线速度、向心加速度大小 English,both,teachers,are,parents,my(.) Her parents are both teachers还是Her parents both are teachers? His parents are both teachers.和His parents both are teachers.哪句才对? △ABC是等边三角形,AD⊥BC于点D,DE⊥于点E,求∠ADE的度数 翻译 Both of my parents are teachers. 在三角形ABC中,DE//BC.三角形ADE面积=1,三角形BDC=6.则三角形ABC的面积是多少D、E分别在AB、AC上,DE//BC,然后连结CD My parents are both teacher的同义句是什么 在三角形ABC中,已知DE平行BC,AD=3BD,三角形ABC的面积=48,求三角形ADEDE在三角形里面平行BC 星期天,两组同学去郊游、分组后,他们想不通的两个方向千金.第一组的速星期天,两组同学去郊游、分组后,他们想不通的两个方向前进.第一组的速度是30m/分,第二组的速度是40m/分,半小时后两 星期天,小明和七名同学共8人去郊游,途中,他用20元钱去买饮料,商店只有可乐和奶茶,已知可乐2元一杯,奶茶3元一杯,如果20元钱刚好用完.(1)有几种购买方式?每种方式可乐和奶茶各多少杯?(2)每 We invite our family and friends (这里填 tu 还是 in呢?) our house. 英语检查一句话.I’d like to invite you come to my house to join a meal with谢谢请问,句中的come是否正确?这个句子里有invite一个动词了,是不是就不能再有其他动词呢?come 是不是应该变成coming? 雅思听力全大写,阅读也要全大写吗? 雅思听力全大写了,阅读是不是也要全大写啊我指的是听力题目全大写,但是阅读题,该小写的地方小写,可不可以? 雅思听力首字母大写剑4 test 1 s1 第20题 Cottages 算对吗 (答案给的cottages) 剑4 test3 s2 16 18 20 为了表格一致性 我首字母都大写了 Adults ,The whole family,Young children 这样对吗 有种说法是 为了表格一 请帮我把下面一段话翻译成西班牙语谢谢.亲爱的XXX,很高兴听说你下周要来看我的事,我在这边过的很好,认识了很多新朋友.可以告诉我你要来的确切时间吗?我好准备一下.我这边天气挺冷的, 请帮忙把如下句子翻译成西班牙语1 Dña2 DNI它整个问题是这样得D/Dña: con DNI N•: padre/madre/ tutor/a del alumno/a grupo: justifica que durante los dias; del m 英语翻译We have obtained your address from www.auyantepui.com and now writing you for the interest of cooperate with you.We are a company mainly deal with the wholesale,trade and invest of some metal industrial products and we have got high reput 英语翻译只因我为音乐而生` 在音乐的世界里`我是快乐的`而我要把这种快乐传递给大家`让大家一起感受我的快乐`音乐无国界`只要能带给大家欢乐`营造轻松的气氛都是好的音乐`音乐能表达 Just in front of our house __ with a history of 1,000 years.A.does a tall tree stand B.stands a tall tree C.a tall tree is standing D.a tall tree stands Just in front of our house___dating back to the Tang Dynasty.A does a tall tree stand; B stands a tall treeC a tall tree is standing; D a tall tree stands为什么选B呢? The street in front of our house was narrow before .(保持愿意)The street in front of our house ____ ____be narrow . In ( ) front of our house ,there is a theater.And I enjoy sittting in ( ) of the theater watchingclosely,这里应填什么冠词 雅思听力考试我准备全部字母采取大写,但是还有几个疑问,1.如果是那种选词填空的,框框里给出的全部是小写或者只有首字母大写,这样的话,填答案全部都填大写,2.如果录音中说“capital m ,smal 以有烦恼向谁倾诉的英语作文 英语作文快乐和烦恼 翻译:"three months ago,we wanted to move to a new place.so we decided to sell our house. 46.As to the question of whether we will sell our house or who we shallsell the house to.you ___ have an answer by tomorrow.A.will B.shall C.could D.must.为么选A不选D.47.John was a little annoying ,and he ___ choose the day I had friends coming, How to sell a house to a snail?这是我们的英语对话的题目啊~ To sell the house,we made a ___ to the buyer by agreeing to put a new roof on it.A.consideration B.commission C.concession D.confirmation请问选择哪个?并讲讲为什么. 各位.我雅思听力所有字母都大写了.零分?