
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 14:22:09
I did not know that 还有一句why always wants to hide you谁帮翻译下.谢谢了.两句都要喔.~ 中石油大连石化分公司1000万吨/年加工俄罗斯含硫原油改扩建工程项目是由哪个公司承担项目管理的? 原油加工能产生哪些基础油 1000万吨的原油怎么装船 那种岩石属于建筑材料问一问,不清楚. 建筑材料中的石子(碎石)属于哪种岩石?求:,怎么连词成句 My favourite clothes is shorts.Shorts are my favourite clothes.两句话一样吗,可以用第二句话吗? that ___ eraser -Yes,it is A.he C.your2.____does your uncle do?-He is a doctorA.Who B.Where C.What3.Where____ you just now?---l___at schoolA.were;was B.were;were C.was;were they are wearing some short shorts today.(改为否定句、一般疑问句) I like your shorts.(改为否定句) what will happen when pigs fly What will happen.when paradise is lost...哪位兄弟姐妹给一个比较有意境一点的翻译呀? 英语翻译要翻译清楚 That girl is new in our class.Do you know ___ name、翻译并语发说明 that is great翻译 My favourite clothes is pants 是用 is 还是用are 为什么? 低用玻璃粉熔点是多少 there is nothing else in the bowl.=there ____ ____ else in the bowl. 谁知道低溶点玻璃粉的应用? This is going to be great is not it?是不是说这一切将会变得很美好 Shorts are my favourite clothes 对shorts近行提问 How is it going的回答:从Terrible;Beautiful;Great;Not bad中选一个 英语翻译原对话如下:请翻译以下对话,并解释how is it going there?为什么用going而不用go.A.hello,Sam?B.Maria?Hi,Where are you?A.I'm in Australia!I am calling to say "Happy Birthday"!B.oh,thanks.A.So how is it going there?B.Grea how is everything going 翻译 特别是第2题第(2)题!Thank you from the bottom of my heart! 我跪求" 泸州农村产业发展情况",请大家帮我吧thank you from the bottom of my heart! 这张表,应该说是座位表怎么打?空的,最好帮我打出来.Thank you from the bottom of my heart!My e-mail adadress is 声音大小或强弱的程度叫 what's your favorite nieghborhood like 翻译 What' re your favorite clothes how's it going 等于 how is it