
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:46:11
二项式定理常数项求法!急需!(X^3xX^-2)^5 X的三次方乘以X的负二次方括号的五次方展开式的常数项是多少,求详细步骤.谢谢. 常数项有没有系数啊?若有的话是多少?我在做二项式定理时就不能确定,如2的系数是?1的系数是? 二项式定理(x+a/x)10 的常数项-8064 a=? 数学最后一题 数学题目(选自2010年八年级下数学其中检测试卷)最后一题嘉兴某公司准备开辟宁波方向的外运路线,即货物从嘉兴经杭州湾跨海大桥到宁波港,再从宁波港到A地.若有一批货物(不超过10辆车 最后一题数学答案是多少 黄果树瀑布的特点 matlab求取两条曲线中近似部分两条曲线,第一条的后半部分和第二条的前半部分有近似的部分,如何利用方差最小来求取近似段呢?程序怎样的呢? 用matlab画的曲线 matlab求曲线面积?x1=[1800 1900 2100 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 2650 2700 2720 2650 2600 2500 2300 2200 2000 1850 1820 1800 1750 1500 1000 900];y1=[32 60 75 85 90 98 100 102 108 112 115 116 118 120 118 105 80 60 50 30 26 20 8 5];求X1在(2100,185 三七负三负七怎样算等于二十四每个数字都要用并只能用一次 英语翻译Quantitative X-ray diffraction data for Ce/Al2O3 catalysts wereobtained by comparing CeO2 /Al2O3 intensity ratiosmeasured for catalyst samples with peak ratios measured forphysical mixtures of CeO2 standard and ç-Al2O3 support. 英语翻译Dole recently started its mission to become carbon neutral in its supply chain of bananas and pineapple originating in Costa Rica.What steps will the world’s largest fruit and vegetable producer take to achieve this goal?Dole exported f 英语翻译Another important issue has to do with the duration of china’s trade surpluses.A mercantilist policy regime aims at persistent trade surpluses,and Japan indeed enjoyed a consistent trade surplus until 1993 through-out its economic takeo 直升机100元以内的什么飞机好最高价120元的,请求大家玩过直升机的说说,最近想玩玩直升机最好是飞行时间长,飞的远,耐摔, 比如:本商店所有物品五折起!这个五折起是大于等于五折还是小于等于五折.我觉得也是。因为我开店条幅写的是这个,有人说是小于等于,给我问蒙了,我想把条幅换下来,但是我觉得小 [2,3]是代表2和3最大公因数吗? 0.2和0.3的最大公因数是多少 求一道高中数学题详解?运用了什么公式? 三个连续的偶数,中间一个是N,另外两个分别是【】和【】,这三个数相加是【】,最大公因数是【】 高中数学三角有关一道万能公式题目的运用sina+cosa=7/13 0 求这个题用的公式若a=(-4,3),b=(5,6),则3|a|平方-4ab=多少 第8题 个位上是0的数,一定是2和5的倍数对吗? 已知点A(m,n)在反比例函数y=x分之k的图像上,且m,n是方程x²-5x-6=0的两根,求K的值 反比例函数y=k/x的图像上有一点A(m,n),其坐标是关于x的方程x^2-5x+6=0的解,求该反比例函数的表达式 In an international context,China presents an interesting case study.China's unique macro economic and political system has undergone a series of reforms which have thoroughly affected changes in the telecommunications sector,and have made it necessa 英语翻译The tests were repeated over again inorder to study the adsorption behaviour of RB21 with the presence of different constant initial concentrations of RR195 (50,100 and 150mgL−1),as given in Table 1 . 英语翻译Should the seller substitute the performing vessel,a vessel nomination to the Buyer will be sent,informing the details of vessel,ETA loading port and so on.Buyer should confirm its acceptance or rejection to the Seller within 1 days after 能翻一下么、、不要工具出来,急用,According to Puver ,Sligh places a strong focus on function .In addition to time constrains on consumers ,he sees the evoution of the personal computer as a driving force behind the rise in demand for ad 我敬仰我的父亲.1.改为反问句 2.改为双重否定句 3.改为感叹句 数学暑假接力棒5升6全部答案