
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 09:52:11
they like watching tv in the evening.[一般疑问句 同义句转换:They both like watching TV in the evening.( )( )( )like watching TV in the evening. .They______TV in the evening.They do their homework. (A)are watching (B)can't watching(C)don't watch (D)don't watching原因 英文段落翻译中文 麻烦英语达人帮下忙Write regularly.Writing is a good way to practice what you already know.Apart from compositions assigned by your teacher,you mar find your own reasons for writing.A pen pal provides good motivation; 30分!麻烦英语达人帮忙翻译一下这一小段.翻译一小部分也可以.3.Specific HR practices, such as training employees to deal with conflict and new assignments during the integration period, using communication to address human resou 英语翻译Total glucose concentration was measured by phenolvitriol method.One milliliter of the supernatant for each treatment was accurately taken and filled into a 10 ml cuvette.Then 0.5 ml,6% phenol was added into the cuvette and shaken-up.Then 英语翻译 人的生命与死亡的秘密是什么? 吉他C调 啥意思?五弦三品是1的话,那么每个吉他调弦的时候绝对音高都不一样啊.我弦紧的话不就升调了.那么和其他调又有什么区别.不统一音高,这个C调学的又有何意义? 请各位吉他高手解释一下,这些是什么意思. → 这个是什么意思?五弦还要人工泛音?怎么泛? Are you watching TV?的回答是什么? You are apostman改为否定句、一般疑问句、肯定回答、否定回答还有You are workersWe are in the park 如果有人给你一百万美元,如何处理这笔钱?What ______ you ______ with the money if you ______ ______ one million dollare 是要你翻译,不是这么回答,What ______ you ______ with the money if you ______ ______ one million dollare 英语翻译首先,请不要用任何翻译软件,想用翻译软件的就不用回答了,不要说什么语法不通,这是一段从国外的论坛上摘下来的话,(老外说话也不怎么注意语法的)就算语法不通也尽量试试吧. 英语翻译能说出这种话 只能说你没什么素质 再见无所谓 哪里都有善良与罪恶 现在的中国是强大的 快速的发展与进步着 充满爱的国家 你不了解真相 没有发言权 收起你的偏见吧 我永远爱自 英语翻译英国是现代足球的发源地.他们的足球文化可能是世界上最原始,最纯粹,最经典的.他们的球迷也可能是最狂热的,他们对队一支球队的忠诚和热爱就如同他们的宗教信仰一般.英国的足 英语翻译In contrast,the Compensation Management System has consolidated thejob organizational structure into approximately 300 broad Roles,approximately 60 Career Groups and 7 Occupational Families.All agency and central agency specific job class that(sounds)interesting对吗? That sounds good.给为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句 that sounds interesting能不能变成It sounds interesting还有把that sounds interesting变成否定句。还要说出为什么,否定句不用说为什么,说出来的采用 sound interesting 为何不加,That sounds good 为何要加s,如果用that sounds great可以吗? That sounds interesting变为一般疑问句后,做否定回答 英语翻译我生命中的秘密!谁能帮我翻译成英文.急, He never goes to see a film.(never划线提问) The boy chose to tom is Liu Ming.(Liu Ming划线提问)It's about 4km from my home to school.(about 4km划线提问)He is my twin brother.(改为复数句)句子要写完整,必须在今天下午3 汤姆一周去书店两次【翻译】 Tom goes to the bookstore 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 【 】 英语翻译如果汤姆总是把今天的作业拖到明天,他决不可能考得好成绩 There is no exception from the run-flat concept at the present point in time.上文是中国市场上轮胎趋势是防爆轮胎。 Go after what you want,there is no time like the present 请帮我用诗歌的形式翻译, 英语翻译There is a little time left雅虎的翻译是【没有时间】了呀! there’s no time like the present to finally get around to doing these tasks再也没有一个时间比现在更合适来让我们处理这些任务了1.这里的“like the present to finally get around 起什么作用?具体分析, 求半命题作文---------《我追求的做人品质——______》600字作文 以读书为话题 《我追求的做人品质》作文,急