
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 02:53:21
电容器在供电系统中的作用请问谁知道 火线与零线 或零线与地线之间经常会连接有高压电容之类的电容器,他们的作用是什么,不应该是滤波了吧,如果是保护作用 具体怎么保护的,第一个问题 寻找有关励志的古代诗句请标明出处及作者, Mr Green is my English teacher.He t______us English well. What is your p___of going there with your brother? We have got some vegettables in the fridge.(改为一般疑问句 ) 圆规画圆,打一地名? 用圆规画圆(打一省级行政中心) what's going on...中文是什么意思? what's going on with 请再举几个这个句型的用法, I really like th movie.(同义句) I ____ ____ the movie. 建党九十周年工作汇报,建党90周年总结汇报 ,建党九十周年活动总结,建党九十周年活动个人总结建党九十周年座谈会发言摘要 when he (),he really look like a snowballA.run B.is running C.running D.is run he is my english teacher改错 It is accepted that Plays a significant part for both and what’s more ,a lot of attention is much safer 与 more safer有什么区别? There is nothing ____ in the bag.A.other B.more C.else D.both B and C 英语演讲 一分钟汉语:今天我们在学校打扫卫生.有的同学在扫地;有的同学在拖地;有的同学在浇花;还有同学在擦黑板.我呢?在排桌子.我们的老师也没闲着,她在指挥我们干活呢!急麻烦各 importers and exporters association是什么意思 she _(like )baseball and volleyball. I like playing volleyball.改为否定句 西班牙语¿Se está bañando alguien en el mar?要怎么翻译啊 负荆请罪>读后感要有写发生在我们身边宽宏大量的事情,知错就改的事情要有发生在我们身边的宽宏大量,知错就改的事情 负荆请罪的读后感 负荆请罪有感~急用 谁有负荆请罪的读后感,有的请发给我,hoho,T some of them had(worries problems habits )with alcohol or drug while others ONLY had luck Some of them agreed with him.Some of them ______.A.aren't B.didn't C.weren't D.don't 热水瓶的水过夜能喝吗 Para mì no hay el otro que tù en el 西语西语交流 英语翻译“hay mucha gente en el mundopor eso no tenemos mucha cosapor eso una persona solo puede tener un(a) novio(a)por eso ,por eso,por eso...por eso Helena,soy tuyo,todos los mios son tuyos,es verdad.Helena,te amo mucho...Helena,te pienso muc que es el amor?no lo se.quizas es dificil para contestar.en mi mundo,no hay谁能帮我翻译一下这句话啊,是西班牙语的,急! Let's go to the movie,shall we?与Let us go out for a walk,will you?这两个句子中let's=let us为什么一个用shall we 而另一个用will you?当反意疑问句中有否定词,后面是否需要变肯定?