
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 15:52:51
What's happening there A.The cat is swiming in the lake.B.There is a man siting in front of the door.C.The boy is eatting a hamburger in class.D.A girl is jumping off the chair.为什麽选D ----What did the man say over there?-----He told us ____any further.There is danger ahead.A.don't go B.not goC.not to goD.to go I have not found my book yet; in fact ,I am not sure__I could have done with it .A whether B what c when D where 非典型肺炎与普通感冒有何区别?大家踊跃回答 both men had hardly had time to realize what was happening when they were thrown violently into the sea.正常翻译是,他们两个还没来得及意识到究竟发生社么事情,就被猛的抛入海里.我奇怪这里没有来得及的词啊,had i had hardly had time 尤其是 had time 用一根132cn的铁丝围城一个正方体模型,正方体的体积是多少 用一根长9.6米的铁丝围城一个正方体模型,这个模型的体积是( )立方米.若将它的表面糊上纸,那么需要( )平方米的纸 一根铁丝围城的正方体与长方体体积相等吗 把一个棱长是10CM的正方体木加工成一个最大的圆锥.这个圆锥的体积是多少? What the man said ______(record)by the police just now The man called police when he learnt what the parents were planning,according to the Press-Citizen.句中的 press-citizen是什么意思?最好哪位大虾能把这句话给翻译哈三Q! The young man who saw the car ______ into the river telephoned the police station.a.plunge b.pluThe young man who saw the car ______ into the river telephoned the police station.a.plunge b.plunged c.was plunging d.to plunge 为什么呢?个人感觉 11.What the man said to the police officer ________ by several other witnesses standing by.A.was disputed B.were disputed C.disputed D.be disputed 甲酒精4升,乙酒精6升,混合后浓度62%,如果甲乙都是4升,混合后浓度61%,甲乙两种酒精浓度各是多少? 甲酒精于乙酒精按2比3混合,含酒精量62%,如果用1比1混合,含纯酒精61%,甲乙各含纯酒精百分之几 甲种酒精与乙种酒精,按2:3的数量混合成的酒精中含纯酒精62%,如果甲乙两种酒精取同样多混合后的酒精中含纯酒精61%,甲乙两种酒精中各含纯酒精百分之几? 一根2米长的绳子,截去4分之1后,剩下这根绳长的( );如果截去4分之1米,还剩下( )米 在举重时,肱二头肌以肱三头肌分别处于什么状态 举重运动员从点名到试举规定在几分钟内 把一个长是10cm的正方体木块加工成一个最大的圆锥.这个圆锥的体积是多少? 一个正方体木块的棱长是12厘米,若把它加工成一个最大的圆锥,这个圆锥的体积的多少? 肱二头肌和肱三头肌都处于舒张状态,则双手呈(),都处在收缩状态,双手呈()状态,表明肌肉间有()关系虽然知道手在自然下垂都是舒张状态,拎重物的时候都是收缩状态,但不确定这个空 It is the third time that she has won the race,___has surprised us allA.that B. whereC.whichD.what为什么不能选what,怎么判断它就是定语从句而不是同位语从句呢?区别是什么呢?谢谢~ 一个小瓶装满水,总质量为88克,若在瓶中先装10克沙粒,在装水,总质量为94克,求沙的密度. 一个小瓶装满水,总质量为88g,若在瓶中先装10g砂粒,再装满水,总质量为94g,求砂粒的密度. 求JB/T8871.2-1998加工中心几何精度检验标准是JB/T8871.2-1998加工中心几何精度检验密封那个我知道,作废了我也需要,是沈阳机床集团出厂的THA57250X600型龙们五面加工中心的精度检验标准 加工中心几何精度检查应该包括哪些内容 当北京时间为3月5日10点是,美国纽约(西五区)的时间是A.3月4日22点 B.3月5日22点 C.3月5日23点 D.3月4日21点 加工中心怎样检测导轨的精度 具体怎样操作 如何检验加工中心的工作精度 求解析_____seems to be no possibility _____Li hua can win the first prize in the 100-meter race.A.It that B.there ,that C.there ,whether Dit ,whether