
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:09:23
找出句中名词用作状语的词语,并加以解释 指出下列句子中活用作状语的名词,并分别说明其表示的意义.   a、嫂蛇行匍伏.   b、齐将田忌善而客待之.   c、群臣有后应者,臣请剑斩之.   d、夫以秦王之威,而相如庭叱之. 帮我找下列名词作状语的字,1.余自齐安舟行适临汝2.东歌膏腴之地,北收要害之郡.3.而相如廷叱之.4.士大夫终不肯夜泊绝壁之下4君子博学而日参省乎已. These are my parents.改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答 after a time是什么意思 Time after i'm afraid we have no choice but to take a taxi中to take a taxi作什么语? It's too late.I'm afraid we have no ____ but to take a taxi.---where's jim?-----he's left a _____ saying that he'll be back in an hour.A.message B.information C.news D.book It's known to all that___light travels faster than__sound.A./ / B.a / C.the the D.the a ——is known to us all that sound travels more slowly than light ,应当是as 还是it 还是that 亚这个我觉得应当是as 但是答案是it It is known to all that light travels in straight lines. 怎么改成强调句 It is known to all that light travels in straight lines.When the plane is to take off has not been announced . 是什么从句及句子成分 英语:That light travels in straight lines is known to all.在主语从句中,有时候不知道要用那个做引导词.上句的that,我感觉不要它句子也完整啊!干嘛要用呢?英语真奇怪! 《骆驼祥子》中,祥子第二次买车结果是什么?关键词:买车 祥子 主题第二次买车的结果,原因,主题 哪位高手帮我翻译一下下面这段英文,好难啊!Revenue management (RM) uses differential pricing and other techniques to manage customer demand for a company's products and services. It judiciously trades off yield and spoilage, and bring 英语翻译1.Earlar to bed and early to rise,markes a man health,wealthy and wise,(Benjiamin Franklin,American President)2.The early bird catches the worm.1.Time and tide wait for no man.2.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.3.Live and lern.4 英语翻译说英语好难 英语翻译Root Canal?Try Aisle FiveMilk,eggs...a new crown for that molar?In mid-September,British supermarket giant Sainsbury’s opened a dental clinic in one of its Manchester outlets.The in-store office—run by local dentist Lance Knight,who h 英语翻译“Very well,since you insist on it,” said the General.He gave Mark Twain the money,led the dog away and disappeared upstairs.In about ten minutes a middle-aged gentleman came along and began to look around.Mark Twain asked if he was lo to learn english is important for us.为什么不用learning english The sun rises in the east.改否定句 It is very difficult to learn a foreign language.改成以how开头的感叹句 mariah carey 的 through the rain请问她这首歌的真假声切换是真的唱出来的,还是接的?如果是真唱出来的,那么要修炼多少年才 英语翻译Mariah Carey - Through The Rain When you get caught in the rain With no where to run When you're distraught and in pain Without anyone When you keep crying out to be saved But nobody comes and you feel so far away That you just can't find 玛丽亚凯莉 through the rain额……这首througu the rain的MV,讲的是不是玛丽亚凯莉的父母的故事?请了解玛丽亚凯莉身世,看过这段MV的回答, Mariah Carey 《Through The Rain》MV 开头的对白内容就是母女俩吵架的内容,听力不好,有几处听不出来.达人帮忙说下直接写原文 晓出净慈寺送林子方这首描写西湖的诗中,我们可以看到什么的荷花,什么的荷叶? 晓出净慈寺送林子方写的是什么季节的荷花还要有特点才行 翻译英语句子,好难啊~~请帮忙!It can be argued , for example , that teaching can be accomplished more effectively if teacher and student take their appropriate roles. 英语翻译Use the adjectives before the noun and the clause after the noun. 英语翻译The new technique has also been used to measure the relative displacement of two neighboring blocks of a multi-tower complex consisting of seven 48-storied buildings.一楼的不顺啊~ There are {many(画线部分)} rulers in the pencil case.(就画线部分提问)