
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 13:38:02
family做家庭成员来讲是复数,形式是不是为families? 写出带动物名称的成语.例如:三心二意--心猿意马 your heart is a muscle 歌词译文我想要整首歌的歌词译文呢 好想看,三国演义读后感作文400字,有劳呵 You know in your heart I wish you a safe journey.为什么不是I wish you have a safe journey? I___ you a safe journey Ahope b wish 填那个?为什么?求详解 My brother doesn't like music ,but he likes ——song In spring.A./ B.a C.the 选哪个啊 还要原因 I wish you a good journey.这个句子是对的吗?如果是对的,那句子中的 a good journey 名词做宾补其实就是省略逻辑上的谓语动词吗?(这个句子可以说成I wish you to have a good journey.这里就省略了to have,to hav 心猿意马(表示动物)第2个和第4个带有动物 例:心猿意马(表示动物) family是不是复数,be动词在他后面要不要为are或者were回答一个单词即可,就算第一个回答不如其他人,我也会定他为最佳,但是要对 集体名词,family,class,team变复数时是什么意思?还有类似的词吗? 望眼欲穿,三国演义读后感作文400字,有劳呵 每天都想,三国演义读后感作文400字,有劳呵 My parents don't like pop music的被动语态 Good that I wish you a pleasant journey,all wishes come trueI have time to ask you to eat the talented sister 一个中学英语语法问题That is ,competion is not the ultimate goal of life 后面是一个完整的句子撒.号前的That is 没看懂 .有逗号也,. On the whole ,to stop some of the misleading advertising by stars and become sensible consumers are what the drawing above intends to convey.意思会翻译就是 有两点不是很清楚.become前面为什么木有 to ,应该是两个不定式引导 一个 中学英语语法问题 some effective measures should be taken for it .主语是measures 谓语是 should be taken 介宾短语for it 是目的状语.这种句子 没的宾语 我没看懂 I hold that worldwide cultural exchange is beneficial to all countries involved.这个句子中involved.没看懂 是不是非谓语 修饰countries 很喜欢,三国演义读后感作文400字,有劳吼 热切找,三国演义读后感作文400字,有劳您哦 Mr.Brown does not like pop songs ,but his daughter____.A.is B.likes C.does D.do Mrs Brown's daughter likes to do the same things as she ___(do) i well be 科洛佛档案里边的 avril lavigne 《i well be》的歌词意思 I promise i will be well I well be happy 什么意思 an by you can learn toking language a intensive well course怎么连 you cannot learn English well without_____(努力) 更渡一遭