
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 12:06:35
电信卡只能用电信手机吗 靡字的读音(多举点例子)糜字读音(也多举点例子)能举例举全了最好 我做了一个实验,求记忆学专家帮助是这样的,我背了一段文章,英语,开始时牢记,然后经常在脑子里默练,然后平常骑车的时候也在练,时间长了,只要说出第1个单词,马上就能把整个一篇文章快速 一段爱情结束后,肉体又能留下多少记忆呢? 实验之愉快记忆作文通过实验自己感到快乐的事 急! 作文 《实验之愉快记忆》500字以上 Helen often helps other students to study English 在直角三角形abc中,∠acb=90°,cd是ab边上中线,若cd=5cm,则ab=?三角形abc的面积=? 希望英语高手的人都来帮帮我吧!一、用所给词的适当形式填空.1.Look!One of them ______ (swim) in the lake.2."Why are you late today?"my father said _______(angry)3.My mother _______(cook) at home at noon yesterday.4.We _____(lis 希望英语的女主持人叫什么 现在的女主持 长得不错啊杨hui?网上一点信息都找不到。没希望了现在的,这不是朱华,好像也不是杨树 好喜欢希望英语原来的女主持人朱华,请问她去哪啦? 请问语法都对吗 希望英语好的人帮我看看I undrestand you quite well.In fact,my wife does not prefer to have strangers learning English at my home.But playgrouds and library would not be so good places for us.Let me think it over,and tr l will try my best - ---it might be a tough task A if B.even though C.unless D.after能说出为谁么吗 【问】The work (has completed)so they decided to have a holiday.为什么不用had completed?只有确保我们的工作完成了,才会做出要度假的决定,应该是过去的过去吧 关于新西兰 work holiday 我现在的学历是我本科 家庭的情况是一般的 如果申请这个 需要准备多少资金左右?还有什么条件?到时候 有可能申请技术移民吗?请问一定要通过中介公司吗?DIY怎么样 go up翻译 贝多芬说:I will take late by the throat,it will not bend me completely to its will (1)这句话中文大意是什么?(2)当时贝多芬遇到了怎样的厄运?(3)他是怎样扼住命运的咽喉的?(4)哪一首乐曲标志着 根据首字母及释义写单词 1.b—— a very small ship 2.h——(of men)attractive3.v—— a person who visits a person or place4.b—— very large5.s—— the hottest season of a year across和through的区别例:1.The Xiamen-Shenzhen high speed railroad will run _______ eight cities.A.across B.through C.over D.to2.The Changjiang River _____ 11 provinces.A.across B.through C.over D.to 放手一搏的英文是不是take a leap of faith?有没有信心倍增的意思?听国外的同学说没有,咋回事? Italy is a small country.It is a very interesting country.用but连接两个句子.Italy is a _____ _____ ______ _____country.Why don't you go shopping with us?同义句转换.______ ______go shopping with us? 小学四年级英语选择题:This is_____.Those are______ A the sun ,cloud B wind , cloudsC the sun , a cloud 英语翻译尤其是后半句 without可以用什么短语词组替代 the little boy,[ ]about the examination results,stood there without saying a worda embarrassing b embarrassed I do hope will enjoy the xideo中文是什么意思 Mary was a very beautiful girl She had long curly.的阅读答案不要选则题的那种 Martin Luther King was a h( ) in the USA根据首字母填空 They had succeeded _______ the task in time.Aat completing Bto complete Cin completing Dcomplete It is a difficult task.A_____,he finished it on time 开头大概是 Its be so long,but I stay want to here.什么歌女生唱的 I have to work this through all by myself