
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 15:15:51
连词成句 more people buy cars don't think I should I don't have__food.And the food isn't_______.A.enough;enough good B.enoug;good enough C.good enough;enough 广东 学士学位英语本人2010年6月份去考了学士学位英语,但是现在我忘记了自己的准考证,请问到时候查成绩应该怎样查啊.有什么办法吗? 广东省学士学位英语难考吗?要注意吗哪些题型?时不时60分就可以及格了? Why don't you spend money on your books?(改为同义句) Why ____ ____ money on your books? 谁有2012年广东省学士学位英语统考的答案? 选择The workers are made( ) over ten hours a day.work?to work?worked?working?选哪个?为什么? you could have arrived on time,but we forgot to bring the map什麽意思 09年河南省成人学士学位英语查询地址 克隆技术能用在拯救濒危物种上吗 My View on the Negative Effects of Some Advertisements要求,一定要是网上没有的,120字1.现在有些不良的商业广告2.这些广告的副作用和危害性3.我对这些广告的态度 Neither you nor i am to blame for that,反疑疑问句是什么为什么? My View On The Nagative Effects Of Some Advertisements?就以下方面谈一下1.现在有些不良的商业广告2.这些广告的副作用和危害性3.我对这些广告的态度120词左右, 这个句子的反意疑问句是怎么变 Neither you nor she lives there. neither nor 反义疑问句He speaks neither English nor Japanese,_____答案是doesn't he但neither nor本身不是含否定的意思吗?那应该是does he啊 nor neither 反义疑问句-Will you go to the party tonight?-I'd love to,but if Mary doesn't ___nor do I\Neither shall I选哪个 那是因为时态关系?if Mary doesn't ___为什么又是现在时态呢? 英译汉 governments should let each person have at least 20 litres of clean water a day. Hou many glasses of water should we have a day?翻译下\(^o^)/~ 求介绍 学士、硕士、博士学位的英语翻译,还需要大写吗? No sooner ( )asleep than she heard a knock at the windowA she had fallenB had she fallen Cshe fellD did she fall选什么 为什么选那个 请具体说明 may i know your profile I must go,let me know how your first day went的中文 Hardly/ Scarcely had they reached the station when the train 变为一般疑问句:If you don't hurry,we'll miss the train. If you don't hurry,we'll miss the train.(变为一般疑问句) 如何看待政府财政收入增长率高于GDP增长率? “地方政府的目标是追求国内生产总值(GDP)和财政收入最大化.”这一观点对吗?请说明理由. 我国地方政府财政收支的来源有哪些 政府的收支问题(1) government spending is 100 (2) imports are 200,(3) taxes are 150,(4) investment is 400 and (5) exports are 300.最后求解savingtax减去spending减去investment得负的350,然后净出口是100 这不是钱多了100么 为 调节国际收支平衡的措施有哪些? 为什么国家预算是政府的基本财政收支计划?为什么国家预算是政府分配财政资金的主要工具?明天早上就考了! Dear Mona,Thanks for your letter.Do you want to know about my morning?Well,l usually get up at帮我翻译 就像这个似的 backpack(版刻判客) 这样翻译,我们明天要查的!快Dear Mona,Thanks for your letter.Do you want to know about