
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 17:52:47
How is she?的同意句 How is she 的同意句 ----is your cousin Millie?She is polite and helpful.a.How old b.Who c.What d.How 客户服务 英文翻译 英语翻译“客服”用英语怎么翻译啊, ( )湖( )海 填数字 ( )湖( )海?快,急用. 请问:明明是湖,偏偏叫海.这就是﹖A.黑海B.里海C.红海 什么湖什么海 ()湖()海 2012四川高考数学理科11题方程ay=b²x²+c中的a,b,c∈{-3,-2,0,1,2,3},且a,b,c互不相同,在所有这些方程所表示的曲线中,不同的抛物线共有( )条A.60 B.62 C.71.D.80 2010辽宁高考数学选择11题怎么解? 2014高考数学四川卷16题详解 -Is Helen at home?-No,she has gone to the airport to___ his parentsA.take offB.put offC.hurry upD.pick to请给出理由,抱歉,D打错了,应该是pick up 英语翻译Just back from seeing Tom Hiddleston play CORIOLANUS.Great day of(digital) theatre from the National Theatre Live.Spectacular production. 【英语】分析下列句子的用法和成分.(答后给分)(1)that‘s not special/creative enough.(2)I want to show her we really think she’s a great friend.(3)how about a photo album with photos of your family. what about your new english teacher------she is very kind.she_______us as her own children she,is,going,buy,a,English,about,to,magazine怎么连成句子 Me sister is t-----English in a middle She s---it is heavy What about s---- at home she is c___ about English that she cannot live without it中间可以填什么? She learns English____about seven years.A.in B.for C.after D.on选那个捏?求助…………-------------------------------------------------2008年9月29日8:41:47 英语人称代词及其用法主语:宾格:形容词性物主代词:名词性物主代词:主格和宾格的区别是:形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词的用法区别:o(>﹏ 英语人称代词的用法比如什么时候用I,什么时候用My,什么时候用we,什么时候用our.怎么用,我把表格打出来,希望大家教教我怎么用,第一人称 I-my we-our第二人称 you-your第三人称 he-his she-her it-its th 最广阔是海洋、比海洋广阔的是天空、比天空广阔的是人的心灵美的修辞手法是什么? 英语中..什么是人称代词?都怎么用? 英语人称代词变化I You He She We They You(你们) It这几个人称变的4种形式都怎么变 海水流向天空,天空会接受吗.看着天的蓝与海的蓝融合在一起,看来天空接受了什么意思 作文、一片更美的天空、 英语分析成分the car passed by with shaerp noiseby和with 可以联用吗?求详细分析,pass by 是动词词组吗?那with sharp noise是做什么成份? 英语成分分析形容词后的现在分词是什么成分?比如:I'm happy being single.这个being single是个什么成分?解释的时候能举个例子最好 THX! 英语的成分分析…i believe that the most important forces behind the massive m&a wave are the same that underlie the globalization process.主胃宾等的成分, 分析一下这句英语的成分Considering how recent these developments are,it is even more remarkable that as long age as the 1960s,an Englishman,Leon Bagrit,was able to predict some of the uses of computers which we know todayConsidering引导 always是情态动词吗I ALWAYS BE HERE.