
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 23:04:18
用24时计时法表示的6:00可能是早上的6时,也可能是下午的6时. 用24时计时法表示下面的时间 早上6:00 ( ) 下午1:00 (用24时计时法表示下面的时间早上6:00 ( )下午1:00 ( )傍晚6:00 ( ) how...deal with what...do with 七年级语文下册第六单元测试题1.根据拼音写汉字.相得益zhang( ) xian熟( ).等等,有没有这张试卷的答案,有的m774289588,急用 请根据提示写出含马的成语终日奔忙谓之( ) 不迷方向称( ) 不乱行止惟( )请按照例子在下面括号里用某种动物来比喻词类型例:立场不稳定,见风使舵的人(变色龙)笑脸相迎,两面三 凌晨三点2:30用24时计时法怎样表示 用24时计时法表示下午3时是();1800年是()年. I don't know ___to deal with such matter?A:what B:how C:which D/ 将I don't know what I should do to deal with the problem 改成简单句怎么改?求大神详解一下 冷的英语单词怎么拼 I don't know ( ) with the problem.A what to deal B how to deal A what he deal B how he deal我知道选B 但是D为什么不可以啊? Waiting for Anya的中文翻译是什么? wait for翻译 you___play with fire.Tom.It's dangerousA.needn't B.may not C.musn't D.wouldn't应该选C吧! It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular,and ____ better ones of your own.A.introduces B.to introduceC.introducing D.introduced of ones own accord是什么意思 “study on ones It is worth considering what makes “convenience” foods so popular,and ____ better ones of your own.A.introduces B.to introduceC.introducing D.introduced 读音标写单词 因为英语单词中的一撇打不出,所以只好用两撇代替1、/lk"saItId/2、/ti:m/3、/bred/4、/eIdʒ/5、/"stʌdi/6、/wIn/7、/plæn/8、/mæθs/9、/helθ/10、/fIlm/11、/"wɔ:tə(r)/12、/k&# 你在这儿等谁?wait for 中文译在英语 It is dangerous ___children to play ____fire.A.for;with B.for;/ C.to;with D.to;/ 医生,医院 的英文怎么写? 医院里有多少个医生?用英语 own和oneself有什么区别 "own"和"oneself"的区别及用途?Her son can wash his own face.(她的儿子能自己洗脸.)同义句是否可转换为--Her son can wash himself face.还有"own"和"oneself"的区别及用途 oneself和one'own有没有什么区别?同题.比如Bob said she had no opinion of ____1.his own 2.her own 3.himself 4.herself.正确答案是2.我想知道为什么?不是反身代词吗?她自己那应该是herself闹,为什么会是her own? 医院与我们学校相邻用英语怎么说 There's no light on.they____be at home.为什么用can't,而不用mustn't.mustn't不是表推测吗? You are my favorite thing about life 怎么翻译、 Akei you are my favorite people in this life 什么意思? 英语怎么解Bangkok,Thailand,waiting for meBangkok,Thailand,waiting for 能不能说的清楚一点,是正在等着我,还是等着我。这两个是有区别 英语翻译