
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 11:17:51
过抛物线y平方=-2x的焦点且与直线y=2x垂直的直线与此抛物线相交于M,N两点,则线段MN的中点坐标是 ae中,粒子会聚成一个图案的效果如何制作,求思路. Explain the difference between "call by value" and "call by reference" in a programming language.How do these apply to the C language? Ciao..now I see your new email address..and I sent you at your old帮忙翻译 You had signup newsletter.A verify Email sent to your email box 已知M(3,1),N为抛物线y²=-4x上的动点,则线段MN的中点轨迹为多少. A copy of the address you should mail the postcard to will be sent to your email account You were sent this email address because a user requested us to do so.We will not keep your email shen me yisi? 手工认证增值税发票密码区改108公司没有买扫描仪,都是这样手工认证的,以前收到增值税专用发票手工认证密码区是108位的,今天要认证发票时,密码区变成84位的,要怎么修改过来? AE怎么做个3d层(用作地面)来接受灯光如图 改错the police are searching the missing man in the forest but they can not find him . 我是在很多特别漂亮的图上看到“FWA”字样的看来是有影响力网站的意思吧 FWA是什么牌? 一个圆柱,它的高增加3cm,侧面积就增加18.84平方厘米,这个圆柱的底面积是( ). 比较负七十七分之七十六和负八十八分之八十七哪个大 有个英文单词忘了,读音好像是a gi te k t,是个名词.是什么单词呢? 有个英语单词发音是 [shai te] 求这个单词的全拼.这个单词是骂人的 We won't know whether it will be successful.We won't know whether there will be good _____.A.ends B.results C.effects D.causes I don't know _____ Lucy will go to Shanghai ______ the weather is fine.A.whether;whetherB.whether;if C.if;untilD.if;whether As your 鄙人英文不好,As your wish 求第三题,要方程,会给好评 船垂直过河与水流速度有关吗船速小于水速能垂直过河吗 为什么水流速度增大对过河时间不变?为什么不考虑水流对船身的冲击效应?我们游泳时难道水流速度增大我们不会受到影响吗?回复2l如果位移增加了...时间不长了? f(x+1除以x)=x²+1除以x² 求函数表达式 f(1+1除以x)=1除以x²-1求函数表达式快 若f(x),g(x)是定义在R上的函数,f(x是奇函数,g(x)是偶函数,且f(x)+g(x)=1除以x*2-x+1求f(x)表达式 12.35平方分米和14平方分米哪个大 物理题 帮忙看看.有一种单缸的四冲程的柴油机,缸数为1,行程400mm,缸径30cm,转速360r/min,平均压强500000Pa.计算柴油机的功率. 打气筒给自行车打气时,底部温度较高,对于发热现象,有两个原因:1 【【【急】】】一道初二简单应用题甲乙两人分别从A、B两地同时出发,相向而行,经2小时相遇,相遇后各自继续前进,已知甲到B地比乙到A地早1小时49分,甲乙两人走完全程各需要多长时间?1小时4 (no/not)1.We have got ___ bananas.2.Is there a pen on the desk?___,there is____. 用适当的介词填空.1.Why not go shopping with us?That sound ____ a good idea.2.Were you ___ Lucya moment ago?3.___ my opinion,you should have a good rest. This is the ___(player) sweater .Piase give it to him 适当形式填空 三角函数的二次方怎么积分