
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/29 13:37:47
寻找关于“勤奋”的论据! 用英语来描述学校 用英语描述你的理想学校是怎样的 用英语描述去学校的路线,我一出门是一条马路,走一会后往左拐,再向右转,走一会就到了. 请给我时间,让我学着去自己照顾好自己,如何用英语表达 请英文好的朋友帮助修改以下作文,关于香港迪士尼的用工介绍.Glocalization is one of the major problems for Disney in Hong Kong. Much effort has been put to promote as adaptation for Chinese labor practices. ‘smile factory’ 有关借鉴的事实论据简短的哦 关于逆流而上也快乐的论据, It takes a long time to do sth.还是It costs a long time to sth.哪个对,还是都对? l don't have time to go shopping on weekdays (改为同义句)I have _______ _______ to go shopping on weekdays. Where do they often plant trees?改为被动语态拜托了各位 please tell me(what )you will (do with)next.为什么不能换成 how与 deal it with的组合? 名人遵守"规则"的论据我写议论文,.. 名人勤奋好学的论据谁知道啊? People are strange when you are a 哪些有关中华民族的一个传统美德的故事 where can I find a good mandarin school in Puxi to learn Chinese I am in America now ,and will arrive in SH next month,I wonder can I find a good mandarin school in Pux 下列诨名的相应城市,雾都( )花都( )中国火炉( )世界火炉( )旱城( )雪城( ) 雾都()花都()中国火炉()世界火炉()旱城()雪城() 写出相对应的城市? 12个星座用英语怎样表达?请给我一一写出他们的中文和英语 在第三个站台的英文是什么 through中文意思是什么? 英语翻译如果在天堂遇见你你是否还会像过去一样爱我如果在天堂遇见你你还记不记得我是谁我想要更加坚强但我做不到我不属于别人 我只属于你如果在天堂遇见你你是否会紧握我的手如果 英语翻译要求:文中的“销售'或"分销"等词译成"distribution" ,句子尽量通顺达意哦!译的好适当追加分数!中文如下:娃哈哈是怎样控制分销渠道的娃哈哈集团公司2008年的销售收入达到325亿元, It is ().Let's play basketball. we would make it through this leaving 翻译 请翻译:It turns around a make-believe line through its center. 翻译make a way through 如何理解战争政治与经济的关系 知足常乐!快乐每一天!翻译成英文,谢谢 I may just passing through your life ,one you will never meet again . 求中文翻译 完形阅读 Jenny was my grandma.She came into the world in 19 18 and died in 2008.Jenny was my grandma.She came into the world in 19 18 and died in 2008.She didn’tlive to be 100 years old,___31___she had a good,long life.She was a___32_