
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/03 11:28:10
关于英语的问题:Chinese Empire和 Empire Of China中文都是中华帝国,但是英语里有什么区别呢?例如,英国广播公司 British Broadcasting Company,British是形容词,而中国中央电视台 用的是 China Central Television Don't let your prejudice take over. "take over your body or something"是什么意思?同上准确描述下 是"Have you ever heard a song that just kind of like...took over your body or something?" The two sides came together on a settlement after long and detailed negotiations.求中文。并分析come together on a settlement At last,the two men came to an (agree )on the event.是用agreement吗 匈牙利为什么进行改革?改革包括哪些主要内容?改革而给匈牙利带来了什么?(答案要简略、 匈牙利改革的艰难曲折说明什么为社会主义国家提供了哪些启示?急!谢谢…… 匈牙利社会主义改革的具体措施 如果人家说GOD BLESS 应该怎么回答呢?英文 god bless you怎么读god bless you 的读音是什么~? 求舒缓一点的英文歌曲比如life is like a boat这种一首可不行啊,多一点,几十几百几千都没问题,打包发到马化腾2. 风格跟life is like a boat差不多的纯英文歌 If i should go for the contract it will be on 7th. red means you should______. it means you should keep( )in the hospital图片【Be quiter】 grass,it,should,off,keep,you,the,means(连词成句)急,好的话给分. As soon as the teacher left the classroom,the students started______ to each other.()A.talk B.to talking C.talking D.talked 匈牙利改革取得成效的更本原因是什么?A.发扬社会主义民主 B.推行全面的经济体制改革 C.依据本国国情进行改革 D.效仿苏联的建设模式 the teacher taught the students in many waysin many ways画线 划线部分提问 找一本书:The Party:The Secret World of China’s Communist Rulers The teacher taught the students the way to study French.(同义句转换) The teacher taught the student____ _____ study French 看看这句话对吗:The teacher asked the students to draw two straight lines parallel to each other. The students, ______ at the way the questions were put, did not know the answers to them.a、surprised b、their being surprised c、they being surprised d、them surprised Too many questions made me not to know what to I do not know the w__ to the library 推油的过程是怎么样的,怎么推油 推油是什么意思?舒服吗? 全身推油是什么意思? 墙壁眼睛膝盖怎么回答有个女生发我短信,不知道是不是耍我的,我该怎么回答啊 墙壁眼睛膝盖什么意思 It is only when you nearly lose someone that you fully realize how much you value him!要准确点. 墙壁,眼睛,墙壁眼睛膝盖是男朋友说给我的一句话,他不和我说