
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/28 21:36:05
1.Jeans are the most c______ for young people in the world2.I prefer c____ clothes to formal clothes 已知:正比例函数的图像经过点(-4,2)(1)求这个正比例函数的解析式(2)点A在这个函数的图像上,作AB⊥x轴,垂足为B,则S△AOB=16,求点A得坐标 他汉语说的好(英语怎么说) 有时他也说英语(英语怎么说) The train has to run ______ the tunnel.A.out B.acrossC.betweenD.through 已知:正比例函数的图像经过点(-4,2) (1)求这个正比例函数的解析式(2)点A在这个函数的图像上,作AB⊥x轴,垂足为B,则S△AOB=16,求点A得坐标 已知正比例函数的图像经过点(1,3),点A在该函数图像上,过点A,作AB垂直于X轴,垂足为B,△AOB的面积为24求A解析式为y=3x, 求推荐大学英语四级和六级的真题书~ 河南农村信用社2014招聘什么时候开始 笔试一般在2013年末还是2014年啊,请教大神 西餐中,色拉是在头盘中出现,还是在主菜后的蔬菜类中出现. 北辰区2013.2014学年第一学期期中检测试卷八年级地理 .微山清华实验学校2013-2014学年上学期八年级地理期末模拟测试卷本卷分第I卷选择题和第Ⅱ卷非选择题两部分,考 试时间60分钟,满分100分.共50分一、本卷共25小题,每小题2分,共计50分.在每小题 2013-2014九年级期末素质教育卷 河南省地区 “in the middle of”和“in the center of”有什么区别? log1/2(z-1的绝对值+1/z-1的绝对值-2)小于等于-1 高中英语首字母填空1.M_____ technology such as IT has greatly changed our life.2.Three students were absent,Li Tao i______. 高中英语 两道首字母填空1)He is to b______ for he has done a great fault.2)Blood is f_____ from his wound. you should go to hospital at once.完成后请翻译原句,谢谢. in a 1990s hairstyle为什么不用in a 1990s’ hairstyle In this survey,people who was born in 1990s is the study subject.In this survey,people who was born in 1990s is the study subject.还是In this survey,people who was born in 1990s are the study subjects.还是In this survey,people who were born in 19 where must students have their lunch and supper是什么 太原市2013-2014学年高一年级第2学期期中数学试卷答案解析 我想问问西餐中的头盘starter、主食main course、甜点dessert、饮料drink有哪些? 初二上册英语,卷子改错, (m4u3)请根据所给首字母提示进行填空the c______ aim of the present government is to develop econmy in a peace ful circumstanceas is known ,liuxiang has won gold medals in many competitive f______. 红楼梦金陵十二钗翻译1.金闺花柳质2.情既相逢必主淫只要上面两句单独的翻译,高分悬赏,谢谢! 红楼梦十二金钗英文翻译 英语翻译蜗牛可不吃东西睡3年用英语 成语接龙争先恐后接1000个 英语改错(初二)I'm very exciting to be taking a vacation around China. 取字开头的一千个成语接龙 喜字开头的1000个成语接龙! 问几道介词填空题 急.Do take good care______yourself.I am neither_______nor_______the new president.He was______breath when he got to his office.Although he has a very good salary,he is always running____money.We all went to the park______Bil in the middle of nowhere什么意思