
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/08/01 01:39:26
The lady ______ a blue dress is my aunt.A:with B:in C:on D:under 英语翻译on (rollOver) {\x05play();}on (release) {\x05if (_root.animation == 1) {\x05\x05_root.animation = 0;\x05\x05_root.link = 3;\x05\x05_root.play();\x05\x05_root.scroller.scroller.gotoAndStop(3);\x05}} 英语翻译例如C#说明一个关键字的时候会给出他怎么用 但并不是实例.有没有什么字典是专门为那些语言后面的说明翻译的啊,不然有些索引看不懂额.准确的来说是有没有什么专门针对.net的术 计算机编程语言中的"argument" 在中文中怎么翻译 英语翻译\u6211\u624d\u4e0d\u53bb\u5403\u996d\u5462\u20\u20\u65e2\u7136\u4f60\u4eec\u5fc3\u91cc\u90a3\u4e48\u4e0d\u559c\u6b22\u20\u5374\u8fd8\u8981\u88c5\u7740\u5f88\u5f00\u5fc3\u7684\u6837\u5b50\u20\u6211\u8ba8\u538c\u770b\u5230\u865a\u4f2a\u20\u 谁能告诉我北京烤鸭的配方谢谢就是想了解一下北京烤鸭的佐料和配方,比如说盐该放多少,糖该放多少等等.配方一定要齐全啊,在此本教主就先谢谢了我知道问这种问题,是大大的有失 教主的 北京烤鸭怎么考及配方. 北京烤鸭做法介绍做法不要太长,简单点不然作文涡写不出来缩短的那 有谁知道北京烤鸭的配方 将4gNaOH溶于水配成200mL溶液,取出10mL,这10mL溶液的物质的量浓度是? 英语翻译1.You must try your best to finish the work on time.You must () () () to finish the work on time.2.The little boy lost his way in the shopping mall yesterday.The little boy () () in the shopping mall yesterday.3.男孩看见妈妈时,便 my keys are on the sofa,对on the sofa画线部分提问 (对画线部分提问)my computer is near the sofa. The watch on the sofa is y father's.对my father's 提问.---- ----the watch on the sofa.在横线位置填. 为什么现代汉语词典上没有“福祉”这个词? 现代汉语词典对“没”字的完整解释我需要现代汉语词典的解释。ok 谁能告诉我这个字是什么字,怎么读. How much is the shirt?改为同义句 A:____the man on the sofa B:my father My father is reading a book (in the sofa).就括号部分提问,_ _ your father _ a book? My father's brother is my ( ). 1、How's the weather in London?(改为同义句)2、Li Ming and Bill are having lunch now.(改为否定句)3、The students are having a history class.(改为一般疑问句)4、Helen is watching TV now.(对watching TV提问).5、Jim is pl 23.A:( ).B:Hi.My name's Rose.Are you from London?A.Hello,I'm Paul.What's your name?B.Hello,who are you?What's your name?C.Where are you from?满分:2 分24.Don’t worry.We have enough time to finish ____ the food and drinks before the guests arriv 沉锚效应是什么意思 36-40题答案, 麻烦大神帮我做下英语作业【72631】 They have _____ to meet me at the airport.A. assignedB. readyC. arrangedD. settled【72641】 She was _____ hit when her only daughter got killed in a car crash.A. largeB. bigC. hardD 锚定效应是什么 36-2 你们懂的, 大神帮 英语作业 什么是锚定效应? 空的题目,能做多少做多少吧.答得多的给采纳. 什么是群锚效应?