
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/01 01:00:29
Do not make the same mistake___I did.A as B.like C.as Do not make the same mistake twice 急 What a two things you want to discover about this?的意思 昆明火车站恐怖事件发生之后全国各界人士对恐怖分子的行径表示纷纷谴责,用句是否正确? 数列{an}有界充要条件 该数列的任何一个子列均有收敛子列 I want to tell you what I think.改为同意句 what i want to tell you is .是什么复合句这是不是主语从句?请达人分析一下.不太懂. I hear what you said but I can't make a sound I'm Hearin What You Say But I Just Can't Make A Sound 翻译中文是什么意思 Guess__I did yesterday!I think you went to a party.A:what B:where C:when D:which Guess ___Idid yesterday?I think you went to a party A where B what 用特殊疑问词=do you guess造你猜我昨天去那里了where did you guess I go yesterday 还是 where do you guess I went yesterday Guess what!i met my old friend yesterday? 辨析下列多义词的不同意思强 A.挽弓当挽强,用箭当用长B.蚓无爪牙之利,筋骨之强C.策勋十二转,赏赐百千强D.乃自强步,日三四里 把You aer my good friend用缩写形式进行缩写 You are my good friend.怎么用缩写词抄写啊 TANNK U,MY GOOD FRIEND, 以“由方仲永想到的”为题作文如题 字数400-500加分 500-600少加点 600以上不要 快 急转的不来 别的很多我都看过了 由方仲永想到的为题写一篇周记快啊 Do you like ___?yes.I prefer to have___.A.pets/fishes B.pets/fish C.pet/fish D.pet/fishes The strike will last for a week.That's what most poople believe.that's和what 的用法是什么? what( )you do last Wednesday?I( )a( ).What else did you( ).I ( )to( ).Did you have a good time.Yes( ),( ). 关于介绍方仲永的文言文的意思是什么 what ____jeff ______(do)last night question 的意思是什么 question是什么意思 用A十be十比较及十than十B造句6个 英语翻译谢拉、、主要是要中文呐> 造句的关键词语是什么?这是言语交际学里的题目,人们往往把( )看做造句的关键词语,诗眼、灵魂。 question是啥子意思?answer呢? 香飘十里造句用“香飘十里”造句 方仲永巧遇吕蒙 用古文写 150字 好的加分~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~