
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/04 18:19:58
皂角树长到十公分要几年 皂角树有几种 皂角树又名是什么 英语翻译He assumed office as president amid strong opposition.这句话怎么翻译?其中“assumed”一词是在这句话里什么意思,怎么用? 《中国近现代史纲要》用英语怎么说 中国近代史纲要用英语怎么说? 中国近现代史纲要用德语怎么说 求工作,我想去成都,17岁. 中国近代史纲要 翻译成英语如题~谢谢 请问成都这几天的天气状况 at the office怎么读 3838算24点,4646算24点 我有一棵皂角树,直径50---60厘米,50年以上,市场价是多少?西安的. 水生生物学报怎么样 4646算24点,怎么算?如果能写详细算式,如果不能,谁先说谁最佳答案 投影仪排出的气体有毒吗?投影仪排出的气体有害健康吗?都有些什么有害物质在里面? 如何判断排出的气体是否有毒我在年检车子的地方工作,旁边是一家制作狗皮膏药的厂,隔三岔五的老是有很臭很臭的气体排出,而且我们离它一墙之隔,受害最深的就是我们,我已经在这里工作 打气泵排出的气体有毒吗? 目测,你英语很好哇~ 人造板厂排出的气体有毒吗? 酱卤制品中如何使用佳成牌红曲米粉?RT 碱粉和碱有什么区别 although he has little schooling ,to our salthough he has little schooling ,to our surprise,he showed gift for actor But I don't But I don't care Although he's poor,he spends ________ on clothes.A.not a little B.only a little C.a little D.a few I don't care.but I This is the first day at Beijing sunshine secondary school怎么翻译 He often spends half of her money _(buy) fashionable clothesWho first _(think) of the idea?Dandel did.We won the award yesterday.Our teacher was glad about the _ The sun rose at six this morning的反意疑问句 I work up the sun rose this morning什么意思 <yes.just google it.怎么搜哪? Lin Dan played badminton very well.He won the Thomas Cup again.(合并为一句)Lin Dan played badminton well______ _______win the Thomas Cup again.