
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 15:07:55
you can中间加什么him We all like the f___ in the KFC.My mother likes chicken legs,my father likes porridge and h_____,and I like drinks and ice cream. don't.I chicken like连词成句 is for lunch want连don't.I chicken like连词成句 is for lunch want连词成句? 连词成句:me,lunch,donuts,my,for,gave,mother 英语翻译麻疯树育苗过程中营养配比和抗寒措施的研究一二楼的是电脑翻的 大哥 你语法都有问题 英语翻译Thinking about a summer job?This year,as more people compete for fewer opportunities,you'll need to start looking early and do your research.So it's more important than ever to have a job search plan.To find a job that's right for you,you 英语翻译欢迎你来到晨光中学,天津是一个省会城市,也是一个临海城市,它离中国的首都很近.天津是中国的北方,北方爱吃面食,因为它离海近所以有许多海鲜.我们的班级有40个学生,每个学生和 七夕找出比喻句 杜牧写的,四年级下册暑假作业谁能帮我解决这个问题,20悬赏 (谈论关于)的英文怎么拼 “拼条设计 ” 英语怎么说啊 如果星星=三角+8,星星+三角=18,那么星星=(),三角=() 三相电星星连接和三角型连接的区别在哪? "我感到很抱歉,这是他们的错误."英语怎么说? 剩下的四题答案都帮忙做下,求对 What are you go to do after school?(选出错误的一项并改正) i hope the weather good( ) this weekend I hope this good weather -------(用 continue 填空) 英语单词记了就忘怎么办啊?英语单词记了就忘,基础本来就差,还要去做大量数学题,背数学公式,政史地和语文,高中尖刀班开课也快, 突然听到一个人说到“自卫”(我也不知道是不是这个‘卫’)我就问他是什么意思,他惊讶地说:“你太纯洁啦!”请在这里“纯洁”是指什么,是褒义还是贬义 说一个人看着很单纯是褒义还是贬义?说你看着很单纯, 说一个人思想单纯,是褒义还是贬义啊? There were two boys in the lab, did the experiment successfully.A.the clever of whom B.the cleverer or whom C.the clever of them D.the more clever of them ---any school boys in the classroom last friday afternoon?A ,are there B were there Cwas there急 ---any school boys in the classroom last friday afternoon?A ,are there B were there C was there 引用古诗时,要加句号吗?在引用“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”时,梨花开的后面要不要加句号? 白云两个字加个句号是句子吗 怎么教孩子看电影学英语 世说新语主要记录了哪个朝代士大夫的什么 The boy stood there ,_______.A.to be full of fearB.full of fear C.filling with fear D.to be filled with fear需要有详细解析! the boy stood there,_______.选什么,为什么选,其他的为什么不对The boy stood there,_________.A to be full of fear.B full of fearC filling with fear D to be filled with fear这题的正确答案是B我不明白其他的为什么错, 石油运输过程中,管道中流的是什么油啊?它有什么特点啊?最近青岛黄岛爆炸案中,是什么油燃爆了? The boy stood there,_____a face at his mother.A.makingB.madeC.to makeD.make这里为什么选A 求一英语学霸帮我做初三英语作业..随堂测试2和3的貌似有点不太清楚,我重新照了下