
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/08/01 05:16:31
they are all in favour of his suggestion that the matter need be put to the committee to hear what they've got to say .这句话中in favour of put to the committee 请详解. 帮我打一个火星文的字 左边一个口右边一个不现在的火星文输入器升级了,我的账号我也不知道怎么打了,希望大家帮我打一下.左边一个 口 右边一个 不 我知道念BU,但打不出来 浪漫 这两个字火星文怎么打如题 be spent什么意思啊?when money is spent.翻译 分析一下这句的语法吧 money spent on advertising is money sp分析一下这句的语法吧money spent on advertising is money spent as well as any i know of. 谁能帮我翻译一下,I'm sorry to inform you that the message below could not be delivered. When deliv SOON I FOUND ENGLISH__1__SO DIFFICULT AND I COULD TALK TO MY CLASSMATES_2___IT.分别填什么 1.jack's father doesn't do any housework at home.(变为肯定句) jack's father__ __houseworkat home.2.does the tiger eat bamboo?(否定回答)no,___ ___.3.it's fine weather.(变为感叹句)__ __ the weather is 4.monkeys live (in africa,asi )(do)Helen(?)(do)housework at home? 用括号内单词的适当形式填空 1——(Lily) father is at home 2please help___(they) do some housework3she can dance____(beautiful)4the___(map) on the wall are chinese5what does bob do on sundays?--he often__(watch) the cartoons6 l like___ 18/5×4/1×10/9 (4/3-16/3)×(9/2+3/1) 2-13/18/5×4/1×10/9 (4/3-16/3)×(9/2+3/1) 2-13/6×9/26-3/2 1/1*2*3+1/2*3*4+1/3*4*5+……+1/16*17*18 文言文——曾子杀猪这则故事说明的道理是什么? Where are you from 我写的是:I come from germany I am from germany 请问有区别吗 We will leave for home as soon as mother( ) )⒈returns back ⒉ will come back ⒊ returns ⒋will return应该选择哪一个 曾子杀猪告诉我们什么道理 What would she like_____the pizze? A.in B.with C.on D.for选什么?、、为什么 ? 谢谢 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线怎么实际运用.我没搞懂.比如说我一天背100个单词.根据他的定律怎么才能把5000个单词背完并记牢. 植物被浇盐水后再浇淡水会怎样?为什么会这样? 给浇过盐水的植物浇淡水会怎么样?急,十万火急! 浇了盐水的植物再用淡水浇会怎么样为什么 初中三英语所有学过的时态 如何利用艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线 艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线规律 如何根据艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线来制定复习计划 读数时,不管万级和个级的末尾有几个零,都不读.写亿以内的数要先写万级再写个级,哪一位上一个单位也没有,就在那一位上写( ) 碗豆的亲代都是紫花,而后代中出现了白花,这种想象在生物学上称为什么?豌豆的紫花和白花在遗传学上称为 The earphones were there a moment ago.同义句怎么说? there,there,film,the,is,not,moment,was,ago,it,now,a(..)连词成句没有at 将纯种的紫花豌豆与纯种的白花豌豆杂交后,产生的子一代都是紫花豌豆,则豌豆的紫花属于()A.相对性状 B.显性性状 C.隐性性状 D.不能确定 甜豌豆的紫花对白花是一对相对性状,由非同源染色体上的两对基因共同控制,只有当同时存在两个显性基因(A和若杂交后代性状分离比为3:5,则亲本基因型只能是AaBb和aaBb这句我不懂哪里错 豌豆的紫花和白花是一对相对性状.由于基因间的相互作用……豌豆的紫花和白花是一对相对性状.由于基因间的相互作用,这一对性状受两对等位基因(A和a,B和b)控制,其单倍体植株开花不结