
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 21:47:25
国际经济与贸易对数学要求高吗 You may take TV for granted.Why?Most people have a TV and watch it every day.But if you were born 100 years ago,you would not be able to watch TV .You wouldn’t even know what TV is!  In the 19th century,scientists started to think about how to 国际经济与贸易 课程里有数学(难不难)吗?还有英语是从基础卡是学的吗? 英语阅读6+1高二A版第17周答案 国际经济与贸易对英语要求高吗 英语选择题、作业、急!1、-Why don't we teke a little break? -Didn't we just have____? A it B that C time D this2、-You don't look happy,do you? -Yes.My father bought me some books,but____was interesting. A all of them B none of the l'd like a cup of coffee _____some sugar and milk麻烦说清楚理由 A in Bto Cof Dwith She wants to go to the movies ___.A.this Sunday B.on this SundayC.in this Sunday D.on this weekend方便的话, 1:Tomorrow ,they ____the mountainA:would be climbing B:will be climbing C:will climb D:would clime2:I dont,s know whether it will rain or not ,but if it__,I shall stay at home.A:will B:rains C:was D:does3:The sun __early in summer.A:always rises B:do 睡死了,英语怎么说啊,我就是想说 她睡觉睡死了,睡死了 英语怎么说? 用几个动词写"打雪仗"的短文~急用不是写英语是用中文...100-150字. 打雪仗,把别人给埋雪坑里了,写10000字检讨. 写雪景作文500~600字,写一些和小伙伴打雪仗的作文 打雪仗的作文要写出情景 描写打雪仗的文章很快乐 英语: 两个选择题(英语) 两个英语选择题 英语 第一题:His fellow workers saw him fall down and blood came out from the open此处空格.A:wound,B:hurt,C:injury.D:damage,老师说,选C,但我觉得就是A .第二题:Suppose you lost a lot of blood,what would a doctor do?此处空格 Coke is ____unhealthy drink,but water is _______ healthy drink.A、/; / B、a; a C、an; a D、a; an —Is pork healthy food — _________ .A .Yes,it is B .Yes,they are C .No,it is D .No,they aren’t. 考研英语阅读理解大概需要考多少分20题,差不多每五题会错两个,一共对做对12,对阅读理解部分,正常顺利的话,一般至少需要做对多少? 四级高频词汇、王长喜十二句作文法模板、作文常用句型,可以给我发份吗?希望能尽快回复,急用, 想要一份四级高频词汇 王长喜十二句作文法模板,作文常用句型 谢谢!邮箱是1119684309@QQ,COM 想要一份四级高频词汇 王长喜十二句作文法模板,作文常用句型 我的邮箱是1293237974 初二物理列车以20m/s的速度行驶列车以20m/s的速度行驶,在他的前方有一个隧道,列车驶入隧道前,必须鸣笛,鸣笛1.2秒后,听到自隧道口处峭壁的回声,那么司机听到回声是离隧道口多远急 这道题 一列火车以20m/s的速度前进,在距某一隧道口500m处鸣笛.问:当司机听到回声时,火车头距隧道口多远?(声音在空气中传播速度340m/s) The new designed car is on shown now.I wonder __________ Ahow much it cost 还是C how much it costs Oh!You have got a new car.How much does it __you?划横线的地方为什么填 cost 说出理由 97年考研英语阅读2中一句话的分析Tobefair,this observation is also frequently made of CanadaandCanadians,andshouldbestbeconsideredNorthAmerican.这句话后半句,consider是及物动词,宾语是前面this observation ,那么后面的nor 考研英语阅读是单词都看懂,就是一个整句看不懂怎么办? 2011年12月四级 新浪估分58分 (加上作文) 发现新浪好像不是百分制的吧 同样一个完形填空怎么有的算2份有的算1分 怎么弄的 这次刚考得四级,用新浪的估分57分(加作文,作文估8分).可是用算分器估出来不到四百分.究竟哪个相对准些?我的快崩溃了.