
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/02 19:12:57
We often see sowe books in the classroom 划线提问的部分是 sowe booksThey live in PingTan划线提问的部分是PingTan He knows LuLy划线提问的部分是LuLyI like red and blue划线提问的部分是red and blue These are our friends划 漂流不定的意思是什么 漂泊不定的定.负荆请最的请各是什么意思 例如:Jenny green 的 family name 是 Jenny 还是 green急,快,好我会再给分的. 发[ae]的英语单词要30个 下列表示在溶液中发生的化学反应的方程式中正确的是,及原因A.Cu+2AgCl==2Ag+CuCl2 B.Zn+2AgNO3==2Ag+Zn(NO3)2C.2Na+CuSO4==Cu=Na2SO4 D.2Fe+3CuCl2==2FeCl3+3Cu I's my grandfather's birthday___Sunday.A.thisI's my grandfather's birthday___Sunday.A.this B.on this C.on 求一篇以“改革开放30周年”为主题的社会调查报告3000字左右 是一个单词,要补字母 a_tr_s_ 生命的掌声阅读答案 英子犹豫了一会儿,慢吞吞地站了起来,眼圈红红的.这句话体现了英子什么的情绪? Who is in the classroom now?( )all the stents are on the playground 澳洲有地震吗 适当形式填空Please help me___(clean)the desk.可以用cleaning吗 nancy drew seven pictures yesterday 对seven提问 what smells terrible ,ted --i'm sorry .i'll ____ my shoes and wash them at once.A.take awat B.put away C.move away D.get away Your hands look so_____(脏的).Go and wash them. 好想你能懂我的英文翻译 1.请问go and get them的中文意思是什么?2.(在四班隔壁)的英文怎么写? this your glass?No,it is not______glassA:my B:your C:herIs this your glass?No,it is not______glassA:my B:your C:her 唐雎不辱使命秦王说的 公亦尝闻天子之怒乎 这句话翻译白话文要把亦(也)删掉吗 先生.也.曾经听说过天子发怒吗,好像是病句/ 先生曾经听说过天子发怒吗?这样好像比较通顺 He saw himself-------(reflect)in the shop window.reflected还是reflecting?一定要加上说明噢~ He (h--) himself badly in the accident. 翻译:When the emperor IooKed at himself,he onIy saw his underwear. Nancy is drawing pictures ______.A.beautifullyB.loudlyC.goodD.carefully a woman saw the accident happen.accitdent 在句子中充当什么成分?书上说happen 充当宾语补足语,但是see是系动词所以我想accident是表语。但是宾语补足语不是补充说明主动句中宾语的么? 什么动物灵活小巧 小巧精灵是什么动物 Dear Lindsay,Thanks for your message.Yes,I'm having a great time on my exchange program in France.It's even better than I thought it would be.I was a bit nervous before I arrived here,but there was no reason to be.My host family is really nice.They g His eyes shone brightly when he finally received the magazines he ________.A.had long been expectedB.had long expectedC.has long expectedD.was long expected拜托帮忙讲一讲when引导的时间状语从句的时态问题 The life he was used to ____that year,when a terrible traffic accident……The life he was used to ____that year,when a terrible traffic accident happened to him.A.changing B.change C.changed D.be changed he has a big eye.when he blinks his eye,the man death.什么意思?这是什么东西呀?