
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/12 15:39:24
what do you like问什么? 比如thank you for " "our talk show 中加引号的是填什么,有4个选项 A joining B to join C join D joins 所以thank you for后加动词的什么格式? Thank后面动词跟什么形式?抱歉抱歉。是Think! answer the phone反义句 In the morning,I got up and put on my clothes.Then I had a breakfast with my parents downstairs.翻译 Administrator,这个英文单词的发音怎么读? administrator 怎么读?我英语不好,请用中文标注读音,我想会默写这个单词. “管理员”用英文怎么写? the north face 什么意思 THE NORTH The following hold has been released from your record 乐斯菲斯(The North Face)The North Face(乐斯菲斯)和阿迪达斯和耐克这种比起来哪个更好... THE NORTH FACE(乐斯菲斯)都有什么 THE NORTH FACE (乐斯菲斯)与极地的包哪个好? I have a quense for dear i often think of you I suddenly think of you,my dear partner. Dear !I think you better change的中文意思这是什么意思啊? 我英语不行``` my dear think of you,you are want to me? personal与person's的区别 宝宝59天去妇幼保健所检查,骨密度z值:-1.6,百分位数:5,sos:4000多,请问这个值缺钙严重吗?医生给开了葡萄糖酸钙,让宝宝每天服用半瓶,5ml.服用到第四天添加胆维丁乳,一瓶15mg,D3 30万单位,说 person development和personal development有什么区别吗? 四个多月的宝宝骨密度报告sos值2901米/秒,z-值是-.8,百分位数22.缺钙严...四个多月的宝宝骨密度报告sos值2901米/秒,z-值是-.8,百分位数22.缺钙严重吗?这个z值8前面的有个点就是0.8的意思吗? 宝宝9个月,检查骨密度,SOS值3109米每秒,Z值-1.8,百分位数3,医生说贝特令一天吃2粒,没事吗,会中毒吗 请问什么时候用hear doing什么时候用hear do?如果是hear doing 的被动语态,就不存在还原to的问题了吧? 签英文合同时,name和signature有什么区别?我有英文名,英文合同上是不是name就写中文名的拼音,signature就写英文名? Feelings have been so deep,I will not let “You I have no deep and romance but I have a single stupid heart”求解释, 翻译there have been hard feelings between them for years hard feelings再解释下 We're having a good time.Anyway,we have to go home now .这句话有语法毛病吗?We're having a good time.________,we have to go home now .A.Really B.Someway C.Anyway why don't you look me in the eye? 英语音标li可以读成lei吗?很多地方都是读成lei,可音标的li,像only,quickly那only也应该读「