
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/09/30 18:15:18
英语题 read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper wprdsMr. Smith works in a factory. T__are not many people in the factory, They makje shoes there. Ther workers go to work e___in the morning. On S___and Sunday they don't go to work. They 林肯演讲稿南北战争的 the man (in the white car) is my father(就画线部分提问)Give the book to Li Ping ,please.(变否定句)These are Chinese buses .(变单数形式)My erasers (are here)(就画线部分提问) It is my coat(对画线部分提问)画线部分是my.___ ___ is it? 划线部分提问 it is my coat.my画线 she is a nurse.a nurse画线 she is my teacher.my teacher画线 he bought the red one.the red one画线 I get up at six.at six画线 I am from Hubei.Hubei画线 I went to school late because I got up late.bec my car is broken.broken画线要求对划线部分提问——————your bike their car is ____(break).can you mind it ?汉语意思? the boy____the bilk is my brother and the man___the car is my father.A in.onB on..onC in...inD on...in有意思最好了~ the man who is driving a car is my fathr.与the man driving a car is my father.后者的表达法正确吗?是现在分词短语作定语吗? It is reported that two men were killed in a car a_____early this morning. 找一部以前看过的清朝的电视剧其中有是清朝的一个格格出宫然后认识了红花会的人.后来乾隆出去找她的.乾隆貌似喜欢上了红花会中的一个女的.这部电视剧是小时候看过的了.有哪位看过或 英语翻译In 1961 ttuffman (31) discussed high-levelgrain feeding for dairy cows in a symposiumbefore this group.This paper will,therefore,be directed primarily toward developmentswhich have arisen during the oast three years.Excellent reviews on t ~~翻译~~ 那位大哥大姐英文好帮我翻译一篇论文的摘要吧 谢谢啦~~摘要:目前国内对于新媒体的研究处于一个上升阶段,但对于新媒体的研究也仅仅停留在新媒体本身而已,涉及到广告的也只是 The movie last night was very interesting.同义句转换It ( ) ( ) ( ) movie last night. 请问:I was very bored by the film on TV last night. 请问I was very bored by the film on TV last night.中介词by的含义? 为什么说林肯就任美国总统是美国南北战争的导火索? 南北战争林肯总统的丰功伟绩 They (weet to the movie) on saturday last night.(对画线部分提问) how do did ( )the movie last night选哪个a.find b.consider c.think d.feel为什么 清朝起止时间,中华民国于哪一年在哪里成立?辛亥革命后中国进入什么历史时期? 清朝→中华民国从1911年辛亥革命爆发后,南方各省纷纷宣布独立.到1928年年底,奉系张作霖其子张学良宣布东北易帜,至此北伐完成,中国大致上完成统一.介绍这期间的历史书籍,推荐一本 I parked my car right under the big tree,but now it's gone.Where ____ it be?A.may B.could C.will D.must为什么?may不是也可以表示推测吗?如果用will,它会去哪儿 不是也通的吗? -where __the recorder?I can't see it anywhere.-I __ it right here,but now it's gone.A.did you put,have put B.have you put,putC.had you put,was putting D.were you putting,have put -Where__the dictionary?I can't see it.-I __it right here a moment ago.But it's gone.-Where__the dictionary?I can't see it.-I __it right here a moment ago.But it's gone.A.did you put;have putB.have you put;putC.had you put;have putD.were you putting;h A:Where ( )my watch?I can't find it anywhere.B;I( )it right here.But now it's gone.选择A.did you pu I ________ here for 10 years.A.has been B.have gone C.has gone D.have been 英语翻译最好有翻译,最好能在今晚十二点之前.能不能就一首歌展开评论,短一点但不要太短。40~50字左右的。写的好的话再加悬赏 跪求一篇英语作文 第一印象 要有翻译, 我会一辈子爱着你的 英语翻译 当时他被车撞倒是不是翻译为When he was being knocked down the car 当时他正被车撞倒是不是翻译为When he was being knocked down by the car