
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/06 16:32:59
下面词语中划线词解释有误的一项是 ( )A.可歌可泣:流泪 鲜为人知:少B.当之无愧:愧色 锋芒毕露:全、都C.妇孺皆知:小孩子 死而后己:罢了 D.家喻户晓:明白 马革裹尸:皮 下列加点的字注音有误的一组是( )A.教唆suō 长喙huì 下碇dìng 潺潺chán  B.蓑毛suō 铿锵qiāng 澄碧chéng 沐浴mù  C.嗜好chì 绾起wǎn 桅樯qiáng 铧犁huá  D.麦陇lǒng 遨游áo 哞叫móu 掐花 下边加点的字注音有误的一项是A.氓之蚩蚩(mánɡ) 静女其姝(shū) 修我矛戟(qǐ)B.静女其娈(luán) 乘彼垝垣(ɡuǐ) 与子同泽(zé)C.夙兴夜寐(sù) 隰则有泮(pàn) 贻我彤管(yí 你对长辈说话应该礼貌些.这句话用英文该怎样说? 英语中打断他人的礼貌用语. He's a lazy student,so he always gets() greads A.good B.high C.terrible D.badly He's a ____ student,and he always very _____.A.good,goodB.well,wellC.well,goodD.good,well 抽屉导轨工艺方案及模具的结构形式大家帮帮忙看下如图零的工艺方案及模具的结构形式,用什么模具类型 阻尼导轨及三节导轨的快速安装纯属无聊 既然来了就说说自个有什么看法呀 倒装句的用法! 多音字注音组词:薄()()()晕()()() 给多音字注音A.好种( )种好西瓜,西瓜留种再种好西瓜.B.这个恶( )人真可恶( ). 那是一篮苹果 用英语翻译 多音字注音.1.涨.太阳涨红了脸 ( ) 水涨起来了 ( )涨价 ( )2.和和面 ( )和药 ( )3.薄这饼很薄 ( )薄雾 ( )单薄 ( )4.晕晕车 ( )头晕 ( )晕头转向 ( ) Is there a boy (na )Bob in your class? bring sth to sb造句 There are five kangaroos,four spiders,three ants and two penguins.还有How many legs have they got in all? They do not melt when cooked and fried 中do not melt 是什么用法 什么语法 There are four ---- and two ---- at the ---- .A.Johns,Marys,doctors B.Johns,Marys,doctor’s C.John’s,Mary’s,doctor’s D.John,Mary,doctor’s 请详解,选正确清楚的为最佳答案. I am reading a book at home对划线部分提问 划线部分是reading a book i have many ideas,but you can't understand,you don't know,I'm really upset. 填啥7.You are f---- in having such friends7.You are f---- in having such friends.8.He b------ went into the burning house to save the baby trapped there.9.he joined the game of tennis with a full d----- to win. Two friend are having a picnic together.是什么意思?速度!1 英语翻译俺有急用啊 how are you,liu yun look so happy翻译是什么? 无忧无虑语文网香菱学诗教案 英语IPC是什么意思啊 QA主管的英文名称怎么写. 品质保障中的QA的英文全称怎么写? 英译汉-Are you having trouble logging into a site? You are the onle one for They made a ________ search for the lost ring in their room,but did't find it.A.absolute B.thorough C.unconscious D.dedicated这题答案选择B..我想问一下thorough与absolute的区别是什么?