
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/10/03 16:54:01
在哪里可以看一些GMAT的信息啊? 请问在管理学中,It's not until the testing stage is reached that the commitment of substantial resources is required 中的”commitment of substantial resources” 应该怎么翻译呢? GMAT 报名时native language没有chinese是不是选other? Commitment is the beginning of lies是什么意思 夲、甴这两个字读什么? 甴 这个字到底念什么?我查了字典查了半天都找不到啊. 曱和甴怎么读 在sap2000安装后license not found 是怎么回事 请根据藻类和鱼的呼吸过程,解释鱼类在水面上层活动的原因 请教一个OC IS问题It has recently been discovered that和It is a recent discovery that哪个更好啊?OC详解的解释是第二个的It是冗余的...不觉得 怎么用google talk? 上层鱼,中层鱼,下层鱼,有哪些? 盲鱼的活动范围是中层 下层 还是上层?盲鱼都吃什么?好养吗?另外价格是多少?适合混养吗?我的悬赏很高 希望大家好好回答 回答的好还可以追加悬赏另外就是盲鱼喜不喜欢跳缸 我着急等答案 “Happy New Year to you!” he said.这句变成间接引语 怎么说? 秋季鱼在上层还是下层 "Happy New Year to you."he said改成 间接疑问句怎么改 有谁能告诉我翘口鱼怎么钓哟,还有这鱼是在水中什么层,比如说水的上层?中层?低层? Parallel port driver 服务启动失败:无法启动服务,是什么原因引起的?电脑最近出现下列问题,冲装系统了还是一样. 由于下列错误,Parallel port driver 服务启动失败:无法启动服务,原因可能是已被禁 the flight attendant had to give me a set of wings to calm me down空姐为了安抚我,只好给了我a set of wings这个a set of wings 是什么呀 end user characteristic什么意思 It is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist翻译这句话,有人说这是强调句,它强调了主语吗? It is not a tool a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that make him a scientist.又说不是工具,又说是工具.这句话到底怎么翻译才好呀? 20元素,金属性最强的元素和氧生成的两种化合物 It is not what the tools that a scientist uses but how he uses these tools that makes him a scientist?这句话如何翻译? 我的人生很悲惨我感觉上帝把我忘了 佛祖也不看我不爽 25了 恋爱都没谈过 看着大街上一对对的人 我真想去索马里当海盗去 it is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses the tools tA make him a scientisB make him to be a scientis C makes him to be a scientis D make him a scientis为什么选D而不是B?it is not the tools a scientist uses but how he uses the tools 有没有一生下来就是天才的! 什么是天才 应该生活在怎样的时代 what makes you beautiful的歌曲链接谁可以告诉我啊 烤箱预热180度,里面是否温度也要达到180度,温度计也要显示到达180度. 求 what makes you beautiful 的MP3格式阿 sap 2000安装后出现license not found for staged consruction option请问这是怎么回事?应该怎样解决?