
来源:学生作业帮助网 编辑:作业帮 时间:2024/07/13 08:32:15
Tere are 30 desks in our classroom划线提问(划线部分为30) our classroom is 50cm.[划线提问,划线为50cm] 纳尼亚传奇2中英文对照台词五句以上 肢体语言是一种交流的方式用英语怎么说 “她只能用肢体语言和画画来描述她想说的”用英语怎么说 in the past,he lived in shanghai同义句 同义句 1.My grandpa lived alone in the country in the past My grandpa __ __ __in the country __ _同义句1.My grandpa lived alone in the country in the past.My grandpa __ __ __in the country __ ___.2.The box is so heavy that I can't carry it.The 自然奇观怎样写?(小学生作文)急用!最多1分钟后! 填介词You~d better think of a problem ---- a positive wayYou~d better think of a problem ---- a positive wayThe brave man likes flying ---- an airplaneI used to be ---- the soccer team (1)判断直线BD与圆O的位置关系,并证明你的结论.如图,AB为圆O的弦,过点O作AB的平行线,交圆O于点C,直线OC上一点D满足∠D=∠ACB.(1)判断直线BD与圆O的位置关系,并证明你的结论.(2)若圆O的半径 they live in low-risen houses in the past .哪里错了? 数轴上有AB两点,这两点分别在原点o的两侧,或同时与原点重合,若A对应的有理数是非正数,则B对应的数是?A、非正数 B、零和正数 C、正数 D、负数 they lived in a flat__the shop选填about,above.on ,to He likes to work in the evenings and at weekends.(对画线部分提问)in the evenings and at weekends.为画线部分.( )( )he( )to work? 划线“()”部分提问 He likes to work (in the evenings and at weekends) 甲乙两个工程队共同铺设一条管道,计划案2:3分配给甲乙两队,两队从两端同时开工可同时完成铺设任务,实际两队同时开工时,甲队的效率提高了20%,当甲队完成了自己的任务时,乙队还未完成自 He does to work (in the evening).(对括号部分提问) He______go to work at weekendsA.doesn't need B.don't need to C.neddn't to doesn't need to Tell him not to taik in class any more Can you tell me how I can solve the problem quickly(改为同义句)Can you tell me ____ ____ _____the problem quickly 想要知道翻译成英语 你知道我是有多想你吗!.英文怎么翻译 给我说几个英文歌英语如何说 我说英语时,总是出现一些错误.用英文怎么说 Could you please tell me ____?A.how I can solve the problem B.how I could solve the problem我知道选B,不清楚为什么.还有一道:I'm waiting for my daughter.the train ____she is traveling must be late.A.which B.that C.on which D.in that不 圣诞礼物短文加题目,(最好有答案)快!今天就要! 英语求教求教orz (1)当a为何值时,关于x的方程2÷(x-2)+ax÷x的平方-4=3÷(x+2)会产生增根?(2)关于x的方程(3-2x)÷(x-3)+(2+mx)÷(3-x)= --1无解,求m的值 答案好的话给200分如图,等腰直角三角形ABC中,AB=BC=8cm,动点P从A点出发,沿AB向B移动,通过点P引平行于BC、AC的直线分别与AC、BC交于R、Q,问:P从A出发移动多少厘米时,平行四边形PQCR的面积等于16平 我要初二上期数学题40道,难度中偏上,要带详细答案的.谢谢.满意的话加10分.谢谢啦~ 每天上线只为了等一个人跟我说话 用英文要怎么说谢谢大家帮忙了 《万万没想到》里说的“碧池”是什么意思?